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1/12/2024 5:51:12 PM

Necrochasm catalyst is missing even after we unlock the triumph

With my friend who has the same problem we did the raid but we killed the boss at the same time as the whole team died, the raid bugged and we have to start again and re-fight cropta to finish the raid BUT the first time we killed him we unlocked the catalyst of Necrochasm but it is not showing in our inventories. The next day we killed Cropta again but still no catalyst. Have you a solution ? Avec mon ami qui a le même problème on a fait le raid mais on a tué le boss en même temps que toute l'équipe est morte, le raid a buggé et il a fallu recommencer et recombattre cropta pour finir le raid MAIS la première fois après l'avoir tué, nous avons débloqué le catalyseur du gouffre nécrotique mais il n'apparaît pas dans nos inventaires. Le lendemain, nous avons encore tué Cropta mais toujours pas de catalyseur. Avez-vous une solution ?



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  • 由EckyThump編輯: 1/12/2024 6:20:25 PM
    Hey there. Unlike other exotics, Necrochasm lets you work on the 'to equip' requirement before even earning the catalyst. The requirement to collect 35 Oversoul will count in the background, and if you get the random auto completion, then it will complete the catalyst triumph and make it look like you've earned the catalyst. But none of this actually GIVES you the catalyst, regardless of what it looks like. The catalyst comes from one source only, two timed plate puzzles within the raid. If you have not done this, then you do not have the catalyst, you must do the Crota's Minions plate puzzles. So you will need to do this. Once you've done it, since you've completed the 'to equip' requirement (similar to how other catalysts ask for 500 kills or so), you can equip it immediately.



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