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由ADragonWithin編輯: 1/28/2024 5:38:53 PM

Do you want the right number of guardians back on Gambit.?, , I DO!!! Please change it back to 6vs6

Yes,bring back 6v6


No,keep 4v4




Gambit needs to go back to the 6vs6. Its getting ridiculous to the point where ppl are just giving up halfway through the bout. Its almost impossible to do now and if you don't have enough experienced players its a bust please bring it back to the old settings . All it needed was a few new maps for diversity. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]



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  • As a Dredgen that used to play Gambit Prime and Gambit neither of those were 6v6, those were always 4v4. Regular Gambit was 2 rounds of 4v4 a match with no wizards and had a single damage phase for the Primeval, there was also a possibility for a tie-breaker round. Gambit Prime was also 4v4, it had a much longer timer, had wizards and multiple damage phases for Primeval with many invasions back and forth. A full team of Collectors dropping 4 Oversize Blockers was almost a guaranteed win, but it didn't always prevent a back-from-the-brink. The only 6 player Gambit mode was you could have 6 people for The Reckoning, which was only really useful on Tier 3. Reckoning was a PVE-only mode which kinda was its own thing. Reckoning had the Armor needed to make Gambit Prime fun. [i][b]There has never been a 6v6 in Gambit. [/b][/i] I feel like with some tuning you could make a 6v6 Gambit by putting IB Tribute in Gambit on Gambit maps. Make a Gambit/Iron Banner crossover with both Drifter and Saladin as announcers and give the mode Adept Gambit/IB guns.



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