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2/2/2024 1:30:40 AM

Last Wish Crafted Weapons - Problem brewing from "Riven's Wishes"

Since the "Riven's Wishes" are a completely free event, I'm sure [b]MANY[/b] players (myself included) that don't own Forsaken are going to be spending their weekly "wish" to slowly unlock 1 Last Wish weapon pattern. (Everyone raves about how meta Apex Predator is) The [b]PROBLEM [/b]is that you [b]NEED[/b] the Forsaken Pack to craft those weapons. I understand the rationale of crafting restrictions on DLC ownership on a design level, but if they only way to obtain said weapon patterns are from those DLCs, why need the restriction? This has caused issues in the past for Free-2-Play weekends for expansions like Witch Queen, but those most likely affect a much smaller player base (as getting many of the weapon patterns in a few day period takes a lot of time, effort, and RNG). THIS will become a big problem in 5 weeks when a large portion of players realize they can't craft the Last Wish weapon they have been chipping away at week over week. If possible, could you remove the requirement for DLC ownership to craft weapons? (either just for Forsaken for this issue, or in general so that players that grind F2P weekends can have access to their hard earn patterns).



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • This same thing happened to me. Firstly crossed save messed up my account because my primary account is on Xbox. My playstation account which has no characters is now linked across all platforms. As much as I hated it I made another character and had to essentially restart. I can't unlock it for 90 days because I bought silver which is really messed up. Reluctantly I started again. I grinded out all 6 rivens wishes to craft an apex, I've been playing destiny for a decade now so I've been around. I used the tokens on the apex predators of course and not a single red border was active because I dont own forsaken. Bungie could have let players know that they won't be able to craft. I simply would have saved it for if I choose to buy. Or just used the wishes on exotics which I desperately need as a new light. This is a slap in the face after spending so time on the game and grinding wishes



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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    • 由Obi-Juan編輯: 2/4/2024 3:47:31 PM
      I can't understand why people are so insistent on playing this game in a serious manner if they're just gonna be free to play. I made a free to play account to test what you have access to and it's absolutely pitiful. You've either gotta bite the bullet and go all in and buy the stuff or else imo it's not worth continuing. Bungie have had all this time to make forsaken pack free and they still haven't. How does that not wake people up to whether or not they want actually continue with the game in a serious manner? From what i've heard, you can buy and use the lightfall exotic armor when you don't have lightfall. So people really should just buy the exotics for the subclasses they have available. Like mothkeeper, the solar titan gauntlets, briarbinds etc... ignore the strand and stasis exotics unless you have beyond light or lightfall.



      以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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        以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

      • Is it really true that u need Forsaken Pack to craft last wish weapon u get from Riven's Wishes?



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