First off, thanks to the team for all the attention on PVP lately. Truly believe it needs investment for Destiny to be at its best. With the tweaks and maps it has reinvigorated my interest in the game in general. Really hope these upcoming 3 won't be the last for as long as it's been.
I'll cut to the chase. Generally I feel the special ammo crate system is far worse than the ammo bar system and a good majority of the other PvP focused members in our clan feel similarly. Would be ideal to have it reverted.
The primary reason for this is that the games feel like they can snowball a lot more with you dropping special on death and then respawning with none.. to me it makes it much harder to judge the flow of the game than the previous bar system.
It is difficult to describe how much better the ammo bar system just generally feels in comparison to the crates. The idea of promoting primary play to earn special is great, I often found it ended up having plenty of special I didn't even need as people were more open to primary duels which are fun. The crates seem to end in more snipers and shotgun pushes which you then have more trouble dealing with cause you've spawned in with nothing after being killed.
It's understandable that you mentioned the team want to promote movement around maps with the crates but perhaps not dropping ammo on death is a good start to improving this system overall if you're dead set on keeping it as crates (crates were not good in D1 crucible, they aren't any better here)
Hopefully this sentiment reaches the development team as I can't believe we'd be the minority of players who spend most of their time in crucible. Thanks for reading