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由Shuyahh編輯: 5/2/2024 8:33:19 AM

German Translation is awful

I am a native German and pretty decent non native English speaker. I perfectly understand all terms and phrases I have come across in the English version of Destiny (which I am playing because I prefer the voice acting over the German one). The German translations quite frequently are bad or plain wrong. This is e.g. true for perks, weapon names and vendor descriptions. One example. There was/is a perk reducing flinch when you're under fire. The German translation amounted to "reduces flinch when you are shooting", which is completely wrong, pretty much the opposite of what the perk does and the original (English) description says and so grossly misleading that it makes people either apply it for the wrong reason or not at all. I am asking myself who is doing these amateurish German translations for Bungie. They are awful and the people doing them do not seem know the proper (sometimes technical or military) terms, and obviously cannot be bothered looking them up, e.g. with Deepl, which usually does a very good English - German translation job.



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  • 由MNN8TV編輯: 5/4/2024 12:21:41 AM
    English can be tricky to translate because there are a bunch of words that don’t exist in other languages. For example there are at least 10 different ways to say large. While other languages may only have a couple.



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