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5/5/2024 3:39:05 AM

Rasputins Exotic Rocket Launcher - Union’s Departure

Monday 06:54 on the Hub for Emergency Logistics and Maneuvers Ana Bray started her morning routine by turning on her computer. Shortly after, the Clovis Bray logo flickered on several monitors as her system started to wake up. She entered in her credentials and logged into her computer. Without delay she started by checking the status of the Warsats. “Good morning Ana.” Rasputin said smoothly. “I took the liberty of running a systems diagnostic overnight. All systems are functioning within normal parameters. All Warsats are online and operational.” “Thank you Rasputin!” Ana said gleefully. “It sure is great having you back in full force.” “Indeed. It is good to be back Ana.” Ana began running subroutines that required her attention the evening before. She moved to a different screen to monitor her other pressing projects. On the screen Ana hovered over and clicked a folder mark ‘Ongoing Projects’. She quickly clicked on the folder at the top of her list. Project 1 Xol Guardian Armour Prototypes Project 2 Bray Tech Sparrow Engine Drive Project 3 Clovis Containment Contingency Project 4 [Redacted] Project 5 Aurora Sacrifice Protocol “Rasputin?..” Ana called. “Yes Ana.” Rasputin answered. “Can you finalize and consolidate the details for the Xol Armour Prototypes? I have the Hunter class armour ready, can you just go through the Titan and Warlock armour and forward them to Ada-1 by 09:00 this morning please?” “I will have it done.” Rasputin replied. “I would like to have them approved and manufactured by Ada so that we can run our tests.” Ana said. “Of course Ana.” Ana’s attention was summoned by her urgent messages screen which was beeping violently. She adverted her gaze to the screen and annoyingly let out, “Ughh it’s Marcus again. Rasputin can you send Marcus Ren another friendly reminder that we are actively working on his sparrow engine drive? We just have a few more adjustments and then he can get back to competing.” “Right away Ana.” A heartbeat later and Rasputin answered, “I have sent him a friendly reminder regarding the status of his equipment.” Rasputin continued. “I was not aware that the Sparrow Racing League had returned.” “It hasn’t, well not officially. Marcus made his own underground league on Neomuna.” Ana replied. “I see.” Rasputin said. Ana returned to her ongoing projects list and this time an unfamiliar project caught her attention. “Uh Red?” “Yes Ana. How may I be of assistance?” “Well, I’ve just opened my ongoing projects but what is this fifth one? Project 5, Aurora Sacrifice Protocol?” Ana clicked the folder and entered in. The folder contained an extensive package of documents showing schematics and specifications for an Exotic Rocket Launcher. A great number of documents followed that explained the operating sequence and procedure. “I have simulated my unfortunate end. If someone were to take control of the Warsats and use them against humanity, I will be required to sacrifice myself. I will be forced to initiate the Aurora Sacrifice Protocol. Upon activation, the Warsat Network and the Warsats themselves will self-destruct and I will cease to exist.” “However, in my absence I have designed the ‘Union’s Departure’ Rocket Launcher. It will grant the user full access to the Golden Age Orbital Strike System.” Ana walked away from her monitor to stand in front of Rasputin and said, “No, I can’t..I can’t lose you again, I won’t. I will not let you do this.” “It is already in motion. If the opportunity comes I will do all I can to protect humanity. If the Warsats have been compromised I must do this Ana.” Rasputin retorted without skipping a beat. “Rasputin I hear you, I just can’t bring myself to lose you again. I just got you back..we need you.” Ana said with tear filled eyes. “It has been an honour serving with you Ana.” Ana walked up to Rasputin and wrapped her arms around his neck and didn’t let go. “You will be task with keeping Union’s Departure safe and in trusted hands. I have installed a clearance protocol that only you can approve and extend to one person. This cannot be undone and can only go to one person.” Rasputin said with absolute certainty. Ana lifted her head to look Rasputin in the eyes and said.. “There is only one person. The Guardian.” Union’s Departure Rasputin Rocket Launcher (Boss Killer) Damage Type: Solar Magazine: 2 Ammo Capacity: 8 Intrinsic Trait Golden Age Orbital Strike: Only with full ammo, long press reload to consume all ammo and engage target lock procedure. Hold trigger to lock on a target to confirm target the lock procedure. Russian vocal confirmation In Russian (Acquiring Target, target confirmed) Получение цели, цель подтверждена (Also the ability to toggle Rasputins Russian voiceover off) Text: Golden Age Orbital Strike Imminent 4 seconds of a large red laser pummels targeted enemy with massive damage. Unions Departure Catalyst Soviet Garrison: A very small chance picking up heavy ammo will fully reload this weapon. Yes, I have posted this before. But this time I have lore to back it up. Please enjoy. *Also, the ‘Golden Age Orbital Strike’ I imagined it to be like the orbital strike from the Lightfall campaign mission I think the last mission where you hold the door with caitial and Nimbus hooks you up with Golden Age tech to vapourize waves of the cabal tanks. I thought this way before I saw it in that mission. But it was exactly how I pictured it to be. Anyway, just a little backstory.



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