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5/11/2024 4:41:06 PM

XMOG Exotics already

Can we please move past this "At a Glance" garbage. No one cares it's the endgame shutup let us get rid of some of the UGLIEST exotic looks for once WHO CARES HAVE FUN There's no way you are going to tell what exotic AT A GLANCE a hunter has on their helmet with their BIG HOODS COVERING THE WHOLE THING. AT A GLANCE. TURNED AROUND, YOU'LL HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY HAVE ON. NONE. PLOT TWIST, IT WAS RAIDEN BECAUSE THEIR CAPE WAS SO BIG, YOU HAD NO IDEA. YOU THOUGHT IT WAS A HELMET. Let Xmog on exotics



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  • I mean they might as well let you do armor with the new class items coming. But trying to make the argument that transmogging exotics is "fun" is absolutely hilarious.



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  • So dispite any odd justifications you might hear were people say 'it is so people can identify why exotic your using' it is more to do with the fact that they can market ornaments for real money. Bungies developers have commented they like the fact that some times you can identify a characters build by what exotic armor and weapon they are using. The problem is that in this day and age of the game builds tend to center more around the subclass and aspects rather then an exotic. If this is the self justification they are sort of feeding themselves to keep exotic weapons from getting shaders and exotic armor from being mogable then well... they are lying to themselves. It is just them trying to pretend they are not doing it to help promote reoccuring monetization. In short Sony wants Bungie to make lots of money. Bungie wants to stay in business. So bungie dose a handful of dumb and lazy restrictions on cosmetics to try and promote microtransactions The most ironic part is I have decided against buying there armor sets off the store because I can never wear the whole set on a day to day basis. Thr N7 armor clashes with my exotics so I won't buy it.



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  • 由Guardian,Archon Of Light編輯: 5/11/2024 4:53:55 PM
    That's because it's has nothing to do with crucible transparency And everything to do with Bungie selling exotic ornaments, you wouldn't buy the exotic ornament if you could make it look how you want with a universal ornament We can't shade exotic weapons for the same reason



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    3 回覆
    • [quote]PLOT TWIST, IT WAS RAIDEN[/quote] No way, whats he doing here? [spoiler]You don't get it, its absolutely vital for me to see my opponent is wearing One-Eyed Mask. If I see someone wearing one-eyed mask I know not to let him kill me You know, cause I would let him kill me otherwise[/spoiler]



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      • no one cares, shut up.



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