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5/23/2024 2:59:46 PM

This will be in the final shape

I found this interesting and I'm just guessing but it seems that about 50% to maybe 80% of the player base uses some kind of cheat whether it is net limiting to cheat packs and mods for consoles. I don't like cheaters myself and I can understand that the game can be hard as hell to beat but constantly practicing even if it is only a couple hours a day you'll get better and listen to what others tell you that have been there and have beaten the game and what they did and what to use. The bottom line is your missing out on something more rewarding than just loot there is nothing like it when you can destroy a whole battle field and your about to die and you never do but you keep going and at the end the blood pumping so much that you start to shake because of all adrenaline you have it's a ride you'll never forget Mistakes Will be made.The best players in destiny 2 didn't start off the best they worked their way up there.



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  • 由Guardian,Archon Of Light編輯: 5/24/2024 3:52:57 AM
    [quote] I'm just guessing but it seems that about 50% to maybe 80% of the player base uses some kind of cheat[/quote] I am going to be honest , and I am putting this in the nicest way possible, but your an idiot You can't install mods on console unless the devs built in support for it, and the console company allows it , and Sony and MS keep a tight grip on what can and can't be installed, very few games have mod support, and D2 is not one of them, nor never will be, GameShark died out with PS2 Most people don't cheat, they are just better than you, the problem is narcissistic snowflakes can't accept that, so they invent reasons why it's not true



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