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5/22/2024 1:05:00 PM

Bungie does not care what you write on here.

Everyone gets on here and complains, asks Bungie, or wants answers. But the reality is, Bungie does not read any of these threads, nor do they care. Only the ninjas, mentors, or any volunteers (basically people who don't matter) read these. Which is why you never see a direct answer from any actual Bungie employee. They may read the posts on X. But definitely not on here.



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  • If only that were true. Unfortunately, it isn't. Everything people complain about in Destiny 2 is the result of Bungie fixing something that someone else complained about previously. This cycle has been going on since 2017. Remember seeing all the forum posts of people complaining about the exotic drop rates in legend lost sectors? Bungie is changing that in The Final Shape and the new system will now guarantee you your pick of exotic - only it costs an exotic cipher which you can only get once a week after running 21 strikes/winning 21 crucible matches. You want to guess how many forum posts will be made about how bad this is for players, especially new ones who need to also unlock exotic weapons? Here's a nice one from 2022 about legendary shard costs - How did that solution work out? - The only constant in Destiny 2 has been players complaining about something and Bungie fixing it with their monkey's paw. People just need to learn to keep their mouth shut most of the time since Bungie isn't talented enough to address their complaints without making things worse.



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