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5/25/2024 5:20:30 AM

preserve Story from previous seasons

[]link[/url] The seasons did more than half of the storytelling. Without them, we have so little context for the expansions Not even touching vaulted campaigns like Red War and Forsaken Seasons introduced and developed characters, like Crow, Mithrax, and Caitil. Improving characters like Eramis. Without the Seasons the Witness lacks a meaningful presence throughout the story, just feels like he pops up. Does that mean all seasonal activities should be kept? Probably not Just keep in the important bits, doesn’t have to keep all the grind - just important story missions, add some cutscenes to fill in the rest. Character conversations could be put into audio logs into the lore library. But without the story provided by the seasons, the Destiny Light & Dark saga just isn’t worth it for new or returning players.



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