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6/5/2024 1:28:58 PM

[BUG REPORT] Undocumented change to Heat Rises behaviour

Platform: All Issue: Activating Heat Rises while mid-glide retains the original trajectory of your jump until un- and regliding, instead of immediately granting the Heat Rises benefits. Repro Steps: 1. Equip Solar Warlock with Heat Rises 2. Jump 3. Activate Glide 4. Activate Heat Rises Actual Result: The trajectory of the initial jump is retained. To gain the mobility benefits from heat rises you need to stop gliding and start gliding again. Expected Result: The increased maneuverability and floatiness of Heat Rises should activate immediately and retain the momentum of your jump. Links: [Will add clip later] Notes: This presumed Bug feels very bad to play around and makes navigating play spaces with Heat Rises far more clunky, since jumping into Heat Rises activations to carry the momentum into a higher float has been core Solar Warlock gameplay for years. Using it in combat is also affected, since you are awkwardly stuck for a little bit every time you activate it mid air. Please fix this, or if it was for some reason intentional, consider reverting it. Thanks.



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