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6/27/2023 12:32:39 PM

Resist mods have no effect on lucent moths

I searched the forum, but haven’t found anything about it yet. I’ve attached a video of someone testing this (not mine), but NONE of the resist armour mods work on the damage of exploding lucent moths in Ghosts of the Deep. Hope this gets picked up by the bungie team.



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  • Still not fixed By bungie as of june 20 2024. The Most-Infested CYST is just pure Blast radius Moths everywhere. So if you want to do it in less than 4 minute. You can't stand still and shoot all moth from afar. You need a 3 player 1 Titan Bubble 1 Warlock healing rift with arc souls and 1 nvis hunter to do plates I guess. But still I tried it myselft switching resistance in that one and with or without. They still do the same amount of damage. So I guess Bungie said F it with the moth and never debuff them and never will. Much more important to nerf weapons cuz pvp cries about dying to much.



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