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6/30/2024 1:05:11 PM

Need a new clan to call home?

The Little Light Tavern Are you a long time player who needs somewhere comfortable to call home? Returning from a long break or new to the game and need some guidance? Have high social anxiety or need a place to feel comfortable working through things at your own pace? Want to have a place to teach newcomers and help those who need it, or maybe you’d just like to have some people to do endgame content with? The Little Light Tavern welcomes everyone from new lights to paragons and all other guardians alike to join our clan! We are a small, new clan with active, seasoned members as well as some newer Guardians, all looking to enjoy the game and have fun making memories. With our main focus being on PvE, our clan runs all types of content ranging from getting your guardian rank up, title chasing, legendary and exotic missions, normal and master dungeons, grand masters, raids, even older content like Story Missions; we will happily take you through activities step by step as we all reach greater heights together! We do run PvP and can do competitive modes with you as well, but we are still based on having fun. *We are an accepting, nontoxic clan and we ask that everyone is respectful and refrains from toxic behavior; welcoming of people with social anxieties and are LGBT friendly. We aim to have fun and make good memories. 18+ If this sounds like the clan for you, consider joining our adventure through the Destiny Universe! **While discord is not required, we strongly urge everyone to join as it is our main source of communication. Will send a discord link on request!



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • I'm a 50 year old disabled vet with PTSD. I just want friendly people to play end game stuff with. I like your post and i am interested in joining. I'm willing to help anyone. I'm retired so availably is not an issue to much. My son is trans and my best friend is gay so I am an active ally to the community. I do get a bit Salty playing pvp but more so at myself for never improving. LoL. I do have social anxiety because of my PTSD but I'm working to improve on this by trying to find more friends to play online with. If you will have me I'm available. If not I wish the best and thank you for your time. (Xbox one)



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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