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由EVIL VENOM編輯: 7/2/2024 10:18:11 PM

Unlock Bungie account purchases on all platforms…

As my headline says, I would like to see my account evenly through all platforms. Like if in my account I purchased a premium product through eververse or PSN or Xbox live store, and my Bungie account detects it, I should be able to play with these purchases on PC as well. Reason why I say this is because right now all my main purchases are an Xbox live and Xbox live sign is down at the moment.. so I jumped on PC to play on my account instead and I noticed everything I purchased is still behind the paywall. I just don’t wish to pay for the same product twice. I am an annual pass holder on Xbox, and if my character is equipped with a season pass piece of gear or weapon I could play with it on PC but if I want to switch it out, it won’t let me switch back to it and it says I need to purchase it when I already have purchased it on another platform. So the Bungie servers know I own the product, but for some reason, it won’t let me play with it cross platform..



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  • Hello there[url=],[/url] While Bungie created the content, the individual platforms (Steam, Xbox console, Xbox PC, Epic, PlayStation) each control the licenses that are needed to access and play the content on their respective platforms. This is beyond Bungie's control. If you would like to see Steam accept your Xbox console License, you would need to petition Valve/Steam to do so.



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    • & I would like to buy a large Coke at McDonald's & refill it at any restaurant that sells Coke for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, the world doesn't revolve around me.



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    • Sony owns Bungles Azz ! No Fn way will Sony allow cross platform anything ! lol



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    • If I bought a Coke at McDonald's, I can't get a free refill at Burger King



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      • Why would one platform give you free content because you bought it from their competitor?



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        • Sony, and whatever pc market sells Destiny are not going to give you access to stuff you bought on xbox Plain and simple. You need to either pay for access on those platforms or stick to playing on XBox.



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          • Part of the reason they have an ingame currency and why Dungeons and Seasons are sold for silver as opposed to real world money is due to this very fact. In game purchases with Silver transfer between all accounts because it’s Bungie Side rather than system side. That’s why you can play seasonal content and not DLC content. To further protect anything bought with silver, they also make it so that you have to buy the DLCs system side as opposed to game side, due to the fact that the companies that own the systems would not be happy with the transfer of content between accounts had it all been game side. If they don’t like the transfer of content between two systems, what would make them accept Destiny as a game upon their platform? It’s good will with the companies and good will with the players. Sucky as it may be.



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          • That’s not up to bungie, that’s up to the provider, in this case steam, bring it up to them 🤷‍♂️



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