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7/7/2024 11:41:12 AM

Titans where more of a melee class when Shoulder Charges were still good.

The last time I felt like a Titan in PvP was when Shoulder Charges still could OHK without an exotic required and when the use of regular SC didn't consume the energy partially when using it as mobility. Sure, it helped PvP but it really diminished Titans identity... That and the countless nerfs of exotics and other things. Shoulder Charge these days in PvP feels like a one-way ticket to a free death. In PvE it feels not as good anymore with the movement changes. I have more fun playing Unbreakable, blocking damage and detonating it on enemies than playing ANY of the shoulder charges on every subclass. For a melee class we Titans became quite bad at being the "melee class".



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