I've played and enjoyed this game since D1 and have completed all campaigns solo.
Recently did campaign boss fight for final shape and after 5 wipes I was about to delete the game.
Thanks again to the champ on discord that answered my plea for help to complete it.
Lightfall was worse. The only way I beat that was stair cheese.
I understand some of the player base wants hardcore and there's plenty of that available. But there's no reason that I shouldn't be able to complete the campaign on regular.
I'm forever stuck at level 7 guardian. Fine because I've tried to do some legendary campaign and would need cardiac medical intervention to try and complete it.
I play these games for enjoyment not to lose what little hair I've left.
Enigma protocol, which is art of seasonal activity is stupid difficult and don't get me started with bungies sudden love affair with timers on everything.
After neutering titans I switched to warlock. Even after their substantial nerfs they still actually feel powerful unlike my nerfed to welp level titan.
Bungie please remove all timers from the known universe and make titans fun again and make content playable for us dads.
Ps. Us dads are the ones with the money so, just saying.
They definitely upped the ante for the last two missions, I agree with you. As is right they should have. This is supposed to be a fight for our lives against the most powerful being we have ever faced. It would be a disservice if the missions weren't a bit tough towards the end! Take this advice coming from someone who soloed the Witch Queen campaign on legendary: loadouts and proper buildcrafting is your friend. Knowing your enemy is your friend. (Did you know subjugators are weak to the damage type they wield, for example?) Knowing the lay of the land is your friend. And if all else fails, a gun or ability that can do damage over time while you stick to cover isn't a bad shout. You know what weapon won me the Witch Queen legendary? Le Monarque. Was Savathun an absolute slog fest after I ran out of heavy and special? Sure. Thumbs begging for mercy after? Absolutely. But ultimately, it got the job done. And just because you did everything else solo before, doesn't make you any less of a player not being able to do this alone. It's not weakness to ask for help if you aren't quite there yet. The game has evolved a lot in terms of kit and mechanics since D1. And if you really want to still solo TFS campaign... It'll still be there for you when you are more ready to take it on. I mean this, sincerely. Come back to it. You will solo it, in time.
由SnoopRobb75編輯: 7/19/2024 1:05:41 PMHello from a fellow Dad I’m just curious if you had thought about the example your setting by quitting after only 5 times trying something? Than coming to a public forum to in essence have a cry Do you not want your kids to learn to persevere, adapt, succeed from past failures? It’s frightening that our future will be full of people that take the lead from this crap and think it’s the norm You have been in the world long enough to know better and be better who did you cry to back in the day if donkey kong was too hard ? You didn’t you got better or you didn’t
由YATM編輯: 7/19/2024 4:03:16 AMI am in a clan of dads that crushes endgame content. Why not join us on discord. Game’s not that hard if you have a good fireteam.
OP: your frustration is palpable…and understood. There’s a lot of old campaigners from way back, who can only shake their heads at the nonstop mismanagement of this game, since D1…🧐 Anyone with a modicum of game sense knows the untapped potential that still exists…if only they (BHQ) 🤡🤥🤡 would get a grip! But, they haven’t and they won’t…as now, it’s virtually done and dusted, ie, once the epic 12-man conclusion mission is done! That mission, was enough to justify buying TFS - as it closed the book, after 10 long years of disappointment after disappointment…at the hands of the upper tier BHQ MisManagement bods…🤡🤥🤡 Well, it did for me. 😎 FWIW: I ran the campaign on normal on my H, just to get to know the lay of the land, enjoy the scenery, and figure stuff out. Then, once done, I usually give the campaign a run on legend on another character…I jumped on my T…and within minutes, I switched back to normal mode…’cause that was not fun - for this old tortoise! 🫤 Back to my H on his normal mode run…got to the -blam!- mission to drop the Witness…tried everything in my toolbox but nothing worked, so, for the final bit, LFG it was…2x good teammates joined and we completed it in two runs! ✅✅ Then I did the epic 12-man finale mission! Be sure to not miss out on this…oh, and bring a handkerchief or two! 😉 My T and W - have done the campaign up to a point…where I just don’t want to rinse and repeat x3…which means, they’re locked out of the Pale Heart zones…and idgaf…🫠 My H did the exotic Khostov mission which proved to be glitchy, confusing, and a royal pain in the wotsits to complete…yet, it was done. Since then, my H has no reason to revisit the Pale Heart zone - aside from a weekly red border weapon acquisition…so, that’s that! 😐 *** End Report *** Believe it or not, there’s a lot of reasonable Guardians out there who understand your pov…if not quite in the way you expressed it. And those same epic Guardians will help you over the line, if that’s what you’re really looking for!? Just ask! 👈 Play Fair! Play Nice! Don’t be Mean! 👈👈👈 Chin up, Guardian! 👍 Ease springs! 🫡
[quote]Recently did campaign boss fight for final shape and after 5 wipes I was about to delete the game.[/quote] The legend campaign is meant to be hard. [quote]I understand some of the player base wants hardcore and there's plenty of that available. But there's no reason that I shouldn't be able to complete the campaign on regular. [/quote] If the regular campaign is too hard for you the problem probably isn't the game but rather your thumb skill. [quote]I'm forever stuck at level 7 guardian. Fine because I've tried to do some legendary campaign and would need cardiac medical intervention to try and complete it.[/quote] The guardian rank is supposed to represent a players skill. So you only get higher ranks if you beat harder and harder activities. [quote]Enigma protocol, which is art of seasonal activity is stupid difficult and don't get me started with bungies sudden love affair with timers on everything.[/quote] This might be you point of view. Imo it's a great activity the brings some well needed action into seasonal activities. Eventhough the timer gets pretty irrelevant if you know where some crystals are. But if you don't like the timer there are 2 other seasonal activities you could choose. [quote]After neutering titans I switched to warlock. Even after their substantial nerfs they still actually feel powerful unlike my nerfed to welp level titan.[/quote] You've probably played the wrong subclass. I'd say for Enigma protocoll Strand Titan is the best subclass across all characters. [quote]Bungie please remove all timers from the known universe and make titans fun again and make content playable for us dads.[/quote] 95% of this game is made for casuals. Why are you always trying so hard to also make the remaining 5% unfun for more engaged players?
This is what I did. I used a warlock with the ice gloves things and a nova bomb. keep throwing turrets for the ads and go into one of the rooms on the left or right. i used a machine gun and the outbreak because you can shoot through the gates. as long as you are back from the gates the shots from the witness and subjugator will not kill you. on the second phase you can do the same thing as there will be 2 gold balls inside the room. just make sure to only pop a ball at 1 or 2 seconds so that you have time to let the other ball respawn. keep throwing turrets and just wear the boss down. don't do this with 3 people because it is easier with two. one can take left and the other the right. and yes, the timers are bs.
Saying anything in the SWEATIES Forums will just meet ridicule. Keyboard/Controller warriors will talk -blam!- because they can and if they were In the same room would hide in a corner and never say a thing. Blah Blah Be a Man Yadda yadda Noob Git Gud morons. Yes the Campaign is a pain In the -blam!- and only fun for SWEATY try hards. Bungle is Garbage at Making it available to Kids and More Casual gamers and that’s why Fortnite makes Billions and Bungle is pathetic. And for the Sweats Yes I beat it solo on legendary, it is a Hair pulling nightmare and that is definitely not enjoyable in any -beepin- way. That’s why games have different modes and difficulty so company’s can make MORE MONEY not to to please a bunch of SWEATY lifers. And to the It Feels Good to Get it Done the Hard way. Well I inherited a crap ton of money recently and tell you what it felt REALLY -beepin- good to see all those zeros and know I don’t do a dam thing for it.
You died 5 times and wanted to uninstall the game? I expect this out of youngers who have not know a single struggle to act this way, but a grow up? As a father and grandfather, I request you turn in your adult membership and move over to the kids table.
I expected some level of toxicity but wow the true nature comes out. "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious" Destiny 2 playerbase.
You wanted to uninstall after 5 wipes? That’s actually pathetic and sad really. And if that was on normal? Bless the traveler that’s even more sad
I’ve cleared every campaign on legendary except final shape because the final arena is a bit more difficult with everything in there and I need to fix my build. I’ll be honest, it kinda just sounds like you’re making bad plays. If you are resetting that much in the final arena on normal difficulty, then that is probably your problem. I’m not even that good of a player, the most impressive thing I’ve done is flawless the Prophecy dungeon. If you’re really having issues, check your stats, make sure your build is good, and play smarter.
由Dei Voluntas Ad Victoriam編輯: 7/20/2024 5:23:39 AMI'm not good at video games at all, always do my best, why is everyone mean to me, I haven't done anything to you all, life is hard, with a full time job, kids, wife and all
由SnookCharmer編輯: 7/19/2024 10:32:18 PM[quote]Ps. Us dads are the ones with the money so, just saying.[/quote] Giving up after 5 wipes might have been premature. I know it took me far more tries than that (albeit on Legendary) to find an optimal loadout, figure out the timings and best sequence to kill enemies, AND realize it's far easier solo than with a teammate or two. (Multiplicity modifier is a raging b----!) Since then, I've helped countless others complete it. But it took me a hell of a lot longer to figure out how to beat Mike Tyson's "Punch Out" back in the day. 😂 And yes, Bungie would be well-served to understand the demographics of their players and realize we old guys aren't as good as many of the kids, but if we're having fun, we can and will spend a hell of a lot more money than they typically can or will.
I struggled with Iconoclasm on normal, couldn’t complete it solo. Ended up putting a lfg post up and got through it with a couple of other players (turned it into easy mode tbh). I was OK with the Lightfall campaign, just jamp around with witherhoard to sort Callus and the tormentors. 😂
What is this woe is me post? Lol. You woeing about titans, timers, difficulty. Buck up Bart! Buck up!!! Titans are still powerful and fun, don't be fooled by the people that are complaining just cause they not the best. Protocol is not difficult, and you get plenty of time to beat it. If you fail, guess what? You can try again. Same goes all the missions with timers. As for legendary campaign, just take it 1 mission at a time. Hell, you could look for someone to run it with.
I hauled one of my sons through the regular campaign recently, I will say theres a definite difficulty spike on the last two missions. No problems for me but my son struggled, for sure. Honestly, LFRs are good on the final fight as you can pop out of cover, do a chunk of damage then book it before the subjugators can return fire. The strand one is damn aggressive though, gotta keep on the move and hold a burst damage super for its "enrage"