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7/19/2024 1:46:43 AM

Campaign Boss help.

I've played and enjoyed this game since D1 and have completed all campaigns solo. Recently did campaign boss fight for final shape and after 5 wipes I was about to delete the game. Thanks again to the champ on discord that answered my plea for help to complete it. Lightfall was worse. The only way I beat that was stair cheese. I understand some of the player base wants hardcore and there's plenty of that available. But there's no reason that I shouldn't be able to complete the campaign on regular. I'm forever stuck at level 7 guardian. Fine because I've tried to do some legendary campaign and would need cardiac medical intervention to try and complete it. I play these games for enjoyment not to lose what little hair I've left. Enigma protocol, which is art of seasonal activity is stupid difficult and don't get me started with bungies sudden love affair with timers on everything. After neutering titans I switched to warlock. Even after their substantial nerfs they still actually feel powerful unlike my nerfed to welp level titan. Bungie please remove all timers from the known universe and make titans fun again and make content playable for us dads. Ps. Us dads are the ones with the money so, just saying.



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  • I’ve cleared every campaign on legendary except final shape because the final arena is a bit more difficult with everything in there and I need to fix my build. I’ll be honest, it kinda just sounds like you’re making bad plays. If you are resetting that much in the final arena on normal difficulty, then that is probably your problem. I’m not even that good of a player, the most impressive thing I’ve done is flawless the Prophecy dungeon. If you’re really having issues, check your stats, make sure your build is good, and play smarter.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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