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由jhermannITJ編輯: 7/23/2024 2:22:55 AM

Spoiler... a lore topic.

[url=]Veil Containment | Seventh Research Log: "A Prototype Interface For the Veil" | Lightfall[/url] credit: Destiny Lore Vault [b]Chioma Esi:[/b] [i]"Chioma Esi, research log: Veil interface". [/i] [i]"Maya and I have finalized a prototype interface for the Veil. Hopefully, it'll allow our research team to investigate it in detail. The system's designed like an orchestra, with a central "conductor" directing a symphony of minds to act like a distributed network. The... idea came to us by watching how collective networks like SIVA and the Vex operate. The hope is we can aggregate and parse the vast amounts of psychic data emitting from the Veil. Turn it into something intelligible. If we're successful, the interface will provide us with a starting point for any future technological research tied to the Veil. The risks of — of such integration are high. The estimates mortality rates are... but I... I... I don't know what I'm doing. This is wrong. This is so wrong! We shouldn't — all she ever talks about is survival! "Think big picture!" What about your survival? What about your heart? My heart? [sighs tearfully] I can't keep doing this. I can't. I can't"! [/i] [b]Nimbus:[/b] [i]"Damn". [/i] [b]Osiris:[/b] [i]"I... again, I see a shadow of myself in Maya Sundaresh. The man I could have become had I let obsession continue to rule me. I'm worried what the next recording will reveal". [/i] [b]Nimbus:[/b] [i]"Me too". [/i] [b]Osiris,[/b] [b]"I... again, I see a shadow of myself in Maya Sundaresh. The man I could have become had I let obsession continue to rule me".[/b] To the point... I'm right about Osiris and [url=]Soteria is the rug.[/url] The previous topics in attribution: [url=]The Singing Statue... keyword, Hope.[/url] [url=]You add a dollar... a lore post.[/url] [url=]Hot Take: I think the writing was good THIS week minus the opening cutscene.[/url] The series I wrote a year ago, talking about all of this including, "Soteria is the Rug": [url=]Secrets[/url] The lore topics after leading to the current series related to the arc of the narrative: [url=]Keyword: Praeydth... apodictic vel ordinatio?[/url] [url=]Subjectivity, Special Relativity... a Prismatic perspective explaining the Endless Night with science....[/url] [url=]@Luke Smith... Eureka, this might be my last lore post...[/url] The Exodus ships, part of the Echo mitigation protocols have beacons to direct the "Echoes"... the fragments of Soteria after the Witness was killed. The Exodus Black is on Nessus. One fragment was on the Exodus Green, given to Alis Li, the 1st Awoken Queen... taken by Mara after starting a war when she stole the throne. [b]Alis -[/b] [i]""Why do you love lies so much?" she asks Mara. "Not lies." The pale radiance of Mara's eyes; the flush of violet stain around them. "Secrets. Even if everyone shared a single truth, all our minds would produce different versions of the truth. We speak these subtruths, and [u][b]like flowers of different seed[/b][/u], the subtruths compete for the light of our attention. In time, only the fiercest and most provocative strains remain. They are not always the truest. Better to keep secrets, your Majesty. Better to tend a great mystery, and so starve the flowers before they can grow. That is how I would be Queen.""[/i] [b]|[/b] [i]"I want to end this war," Alis Li tells the second Awoken. "I want to negotiate peace. I need your mother's help. What would you ask in exchange?" Mara smiles graciously and bows her head. "Nothing but a future boon."[/i] [b]|[/b] [i]Alis, "Did you start this, Mara?" "Nothing has one beginning," Mara says.[/i] [b]|[/b] [i]"Alis Li releases her hand and collapses back into her chair. "Why are you here, Mara?" To tell you the truth at last. "To ask you for that boon you owe me." "At last." Alis sighs. "Well, I knew the day would come. I think I'll be glad to have this weight off my shoulders. You'll ask me to throw my support behind your mission, won't you? The First Queen says, go with Mara; awaken from this dream and go fight for your home. Is that it?" "No," Mara says, with her heart in her throat, with trepidation bubbling in her gut. You cannot keep a secret buried like a vintage for so many centuries, and then unbottle it without any ceremony. "The boon I ask is your forgiveness." Then she explains the truth. She tells Alis Li what she did: about the choice Alis Li would have made, if Mara had not made her own first. It's only an extension of what Alis has already deduced. When she's finished, her ancient captain's jaw trembles. Her hands shake. A keen slips between her clamped teeth. The oldest woman in the world conjures up all the grief she has ever felt, and still it is not enough to match Mara's crime. "You're the devil," Alis Li whispers" Alis defeated, "You realize," Alis Li says, breathing hard, "that this is the worst thing ever done. Worse than stealing a few thousand people from heaven. Worse than that thing we fled, before we were Awoken—" And the Mara took the "boon" and left the Distributary "to walk in a deeper dark than this world has ever known".[/i] Mara, [b]" flowers of different seed....".[/b] Mara IS [spoiler]A disciple of the Gardener.[/spoiler] As I indicated for last year in "Secrets". This arc IS about [spoiler]Osiris's doom, not Saint-14s directly.[/spoiler] AND, Soteria is the rug. That's my theory 😇 👍💠.
#lore #destiny2



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