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由MC 077 Lasombra編輯: 7/30/2024 1:06:13 AM

How we have two original Saint-14’s

The premise operates off of the concept behind Schrodingers’s Cat. Edit: seems like I have to point out that this use of the idea is more complicated than the theory. As the text theory doesn’t include time travel and multiple isolated domains of uncertainty. Which since we all played the game, I figured you knew to take that into account but it seems no one did.ödinger%27s_cat How does it apply to make this work? The Forest is a House, isolated from the material universe’s time. Within the House are rooms, the various simulations and locales within the Forest. Saint was wounded in room 1, went into room 2 and died. We traveled back in time, went into room 1 and saved him, he goes into room 3. Because the rooms are separated, room 2 isn’t affected by room 3. Thus allowing the Dead Saint to still exist. This is contradiction is why Osiris targeted the Forest, the extra layers of isolation uncertainty created a way to cheat time. Furthermore, when compared to saving Younger Saint who was in the material universe’s timeline, we don’t see two Saints because he’s not in an isolated place that allows uncertainty. The differences in outcomes is wholly explained by this more complex version of Schrodinger’s idea. The simulations within the Forest are isolated domains, that’s why you need gates/portals to move between them. Just as the Forest exists outside normal space and time. Some sims are in the past and future, some are in the present. They run independently of each other and that is the technicality the Sundial exploits. So the area where Saint died is separated from the location where we saved him. This is where the magic happens for Schrödinger to work. In one domain he is dead and in another he lives and that’s the one that walks out. Both are original, he both died and lived. The Perfect Paradox. And when you read Missing Pages, you see how Vex influence can alter memories. So when Maya gets ahold of Echos Control power, she is able to exert influence on Saints memories. Just like regular vex could do to humans and Exos. Adding Control explains how this works on Saint. It’s two things rolled into one.
#lore #destiny2



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  • I understand what you’re trying to get at, but Schrödinger’s Cat is a metaphor for Quantum Uncertainty. The idea is that until an object is observed, the two possible states it is in are both equally real, but by testing for both probabilities, you end up defining one as real and the other as false. It’s impossible to have the two separate states be true at the same time after testing. Ie: both possibilities are equally true until the possibilities are observed, defining one as true and the other as false. Now this gets into the issue of “By observing the cat, do we change the state the cat was in” witch is applicable to real life physics, in particular, the measuring, or lack there, of Subatomic particles. The issue with these particles is that we can only ever know the Velocity OR the location of these particles at a given time. By finding the location of the particle, we are unable to determine its velocity or energy, but by finding the velocity, we are unable to find its location. The particle before observation has both states, but by observing it, we actively change the state it’s in, either setting its energy or its location for certainty. It’s in an uncertain state. [b][i][u](I DO NOT HAVE A DEGREE IN PHYSICS OR QUANTUM MECHANICS. TAKE EVERYTHING I SAID WITH A GRAIN OF SALT. THIS IS SIMPLY MY UNDERSTANDING OF THE PRINCIPLES AND COULD VERY WELL BE WRONG.)[/u][/i][/b]



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