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8/1/2024 6:37:23 PM

In-game lfg has been broken and not fixed for weeks

In-game lfg has been showing the wrong activities from the beginning of final shape. From my experience it's the gmnf and weekly exotic mission for most of the part, either it's the wrong rotation or just missing the weekly ones. I kinda understand it might be messy in the beginning of the expansion, there's more important things for devs to focus on (raid, prismatic, dlc content, etc). However it has already been act2 of the season and considering the season content being kinda empty, I don't think they don't have the time to fix it, maybe they forgot in-game lfg is a thing? It's really annoying since it's the dev's decision to delete the old app lfg where u can customize more for ur team searching room, u can't bypass the bugs in the new lfg search by been more specific on the activity u want to launch in the title. Only thing u can do is queued up a random activity in the same catagory and tell the player who join what activity ur actually going for one by one, which probably ends up in player joining and leaving for absurd amount of time for a single activity attempt.



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