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由SupremeMcNugget編輯: 8/8/2024 1:46:52 PM

Pathfinder For Patrols Only

This is completely in my personal opinion. Pathfinder is a great alternative for patrol-zone bounties and ranking up a patrol-zone vendor. Ranking up Ghost in the Pale Heart has been great with the Pale Heart Pathfinder. It would be great to have Pathfinder trees in on other patrol areas, like the EDZ, Nessus, or even currently vaulted areas that may make a comeback. On the other hand, Pathfinder for routine playlists have been miserable to complete, and frankly are a huge step down from Tower vendor bounties. Having weekly individual vendor bounties were a great way to get pinnacle gear by doing tasks that fit your own play-style, and the routine playlist Pathfinder's RNG kind of takes that away. The introduction of Pathfinder into The Final Shape was a good way to do some trial and error, but it seems like Pathfinder is currently better suited for patrol zones only.



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