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8/31/2024 4:34:50 PM

Elsie’s Rifle is single-handedly going to get High Impact Pulses Nerfed

Console player using roller here. And I can honestly say I’ve never been two bursted more by a high impact pulse than I have these past couple weeks. And every time it happens, it’s Elsie’s with Zen/Headseeker. Every time. I ain’t trying to hate on high impacts. I love my Messenger and have well over 10K crucible kills with it across different rolls. And I’ve enjoyed Red Death this season even after the nerfs. And I think that, at least on console, high impacts have been pretty fair up until Elsie’s with Zen/Head. I just don’t wanna see all high impacts nerfed because one widely available gun rolls with two perks that completely remove any risk attached to using a high impact pulse. I’d rather see Zen removed from Elsie’s (high impacts in general). They’ve done this before with QuickDraw on aggressive frame shotties.



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  • Is this specific to Trials? Asking because as someone who cant stand PvP and don't know the maps but gave it a go in the latest IB I was not particulary successful using an Elsie's with just that, zen and headseeker. I quickly switched to Khvostov, which was way more forgiving to a "newb" like myself. But again, I could see there being a different preference for people who actually know what they're doing, know the maps and play in a more strategic fashion in game modes with less people on the map.



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