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10/5/2024 8:26:29 PM


I have had the same thing happen too.


Never seen this before. Never been affected.


I have seen someone else experience this issue.




@Bungie - HELP PLEASE. My Warlock back in Guardian Games 2022 broke to where ads were sending me above the map from a simple bump. And all ads were gunning me down by choice. The warlock became virtually unplayable. This is where I became a Hunter main. Deployment of "Lightfall" reset this issue and I could play the Warlock again. Bungie did not respond to me in 2022 when I tried seeking help. When I am on the ground, and not jumping, for the last weeks I've been growing concerned my warlock is becoming hyper-sensitive again. This theory is correct. While running "Prophecy" alone for example, the first Centurion Boss' burst sends me flying off the stage (forcibly) by ~80% I'm used to seeing, even running in Trios. Even if I am not floating in the air/jumping. One ad just launched me [b][u]straight up[/u][/b] to the map ceiling in that fight. In other events, I've noticed smaller variants of a Centurion burst getting excessive as well but haven't said much, because I thought I was just sensitive from the previous experience. [b]Bungie, from what I just witnessed running solo (less distractions to where I can focus and observe more clearly) my Warlock is actually getting hyper-sensitive to gravity again to where it's getting more difficult to play. Can someone please officially look into this issue and resolve it?[/b] This makes it challenging to myself and team mates during certain activities if the ads are getting excessively forcible again, to where it mess' up my gravity. With upgrading to Windows 11, I do not know how to screen record anymore to capture this issue. This was an unresolved issue (no Bungie intervention/engagement for End User support with this "incident (INC) placed here...) that "self reset" when Lightfall dropped and I didn't notice it as an issue. With all the changes going on with Final Shape... wondering if whatever Lightfall may've resolved, is back as a re-occurring error? Will comment, when in 2022 Guardian Games let up and the warlock was being aggressively interacted with... I became a Hunter main. None of the issues I'm reporting carried to Hunter or to a Titan to my best recollection.



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  • Asking for help as I put a lot of money and time into this game. I support your product and would appreciate a technical support program dedicated to end user technicalities to the extreme such as this. Thank you for any support you may offer.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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