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10/4/2024 9:33:45 PM

Bring back Superblack Shader.

It is a long beholded and coveted shader in Destiny history and I missed out on it. I am asking that this comes back in the next episode or update. Whichever is sooner since it has to be made available forever or within a seasonal timer atleast so many can get their hands on it. Whether it's an event, seasonal activity or straight up sold on the Store page would be awesome to have. I know I shouldn't be comparing but FFXIV has a storepage for all seasonal content/events that happen if players missed out on that sort of stuff due to time limitations or just not having played it in awhile, they can still purchase the rewards after on their storepage, whether it's emotes, mounts, or even outfits is an awesome addition. I think Bungie should do the same thing here with the legendary shader. In short, I just want this back since I never got to have it in the first game but I absolutely want it in Destiny 2. Even if it means purchasing a bundle of silver to get it.



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