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由Garf編輯: 10/23/2024 2:00:57 AM

Please add visible buff text for strategist's stab boost

Realized that by now people still haven't tested the stab values of strategist when you use class ability but I don't blame them since we don't even now how long it's active still, weird it doesn't show up especially now with the new UI showing weapon buffs seperately we don't have to worry about strategist overwriting something more important it's really good information to know and I often forget about the stability part of the perk (wouldn't be surprised if plenty of people still don't know it's a part of the perk) since there's no real feedback visually even in UI when the stability buff is activated after class ability cast, also it means I don't know if things like ascension which don't activate reaper are activating strategist or not



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