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11/10/2024 10:05:27 AM

Does BattleEye even work?

Im curious as to why BattleEye works. Why would we need to have a report function in D2 if battleEye works? I've tried playing trials from the SEA region and im going up against so many suspected cheaters with Chinese names. Is there anything i can do? Or anything that Bungie does to solve the issue?



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  • 由iCypher編輯: 11/12/2024 11:17:01 AM
    Sadly no. There have been an influx of hard cheaters on PC who change their names mid match so they can’t be tracked easily. I joined a control match last night that as soon as I got in it ended. Luckily I was on the winning team but there was a hard cheater who had a 38 KD and couldn’t be looked up. As for the MnK cim players, I’ve noticed alot still use SMG/Cloudstike Titan. So it’s kinda a give away when you see that loadout. I am sure you are well aware that sniping on MnK with the changes they did is almost impossible with how bad flinch is.



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  • Have you tried cheating?



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