So is trials just a moneymaker for the ximmer carry services now? I know that this is a hot topic on the forums constantly, but with every other crucible playlist on sbmm, why would the most competetive gamemode be open skill? Im not saying cater to the shitters, but several games in a row going 0 for 5 and having absolutely no say in it because my teamamtes just installed the game is wack.
Honestly wouldnt be as big of an issue if the teams were in any way balanced, even in the solo/duo pool I never or almost never have the sweats on my team.
Played 4 games in a row where I had to carry blueberries at 1958 light to their first ever match win in trials and I cant help but ask what the -blam!- issue is here.
I go into the fireteam finder, find what I thought was a decent group trying to play legit, and the bum has the nerve to ask me for money for a -blam!- flawless carry. Im not in any way the best or even all that great at pvp but I like to think I can put shots down range and make em connect I dont need some basement dwelling -blam!- to carry me to the lighthouse in 2024. Ill but heads against the solo pool any day if its one cent less in these -blam!- pocket. Just for the sake of spite.
To those members of the community that do carries for cash, or matchmake against your buddies to do endless carries, or xim in destiny2 in 2024- you're all bums. Come for me in the comments like a good boy.