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11/24/2024 5:52:46 PM

Exotic Armor should accept ALL ornaments!

Exotic Armor should accept ALL ornaments.


Exotic Armor should accept PURCHASED armor sets.


Exotic Armor should accept EARNED armor sets.


Exotic Ornaments, EARNED and PURCHASED armor sets.


The Lame-Coat Raiment has pushed me over the edge. It’s a powerful exotic armor piece, but soooooo unattractive. What is the point of ornamental armor sets, like the very cool looking Doki set, if you have to wear it with a horrible looking exotic like the Grime-Coat Raiment. Seems like an easy change to me. And a nice and fun quality-of-game-life addition at a time where Bungie can’t seem to nail down what makes a game fun. I can see Bungie saying, “Yeah, that’s a decent idea. We will make it so that only purchased sets can be applied to exotic armor.” Bungie’s reputation precedes! Just give us ALL amor sets. Even the ones we haven’t unlocked. Make exotics more special than a purple items. Isn’t that the whole point of exotics? my $0.02.



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  • My NUMBER ONE gripe about ornament sets! And I refuse to purchase because of it. It just takes away from the entire look of the sets with the ugly exotic pieces!



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    • For regular exotic armour I think they should only be able to take their exotic ornaments. But the exotic class armour should be able to take any legendary ornament we want.



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    • Incoming new vendor.... [i]We heard you about exotics having access to all ornaments. That is why we have introduced, Haydor, Destiny 2s first ever exotic ornament vendor. Cousin of Tess Everes, Haydor has returned from the wilds to bring you new ways to build your kit. Haydor operates the same way as Tess. Silver up, Guardians! ~BNGO[/i]



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    • Should just be able to transmog everything.



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    • Offer players an exotic to play with. Have its appearance fall between “butt-ugly” and “meh” so players like to use it, but hate the look. Create ornaments that cost money but look much better. Frustrated players spend money. Bungie makes money. That’s business. Lame as it is. 🤷🏻‍♂️



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      • 2

        bring back 1 shot kelgorath's in pvp -

        the main reason they can't take all ornaments is probably so they stand out in pvp, but if it were up to me they would. exotics don't even feel "exotic" anymore, i chew through them daily and turn them into glimmer and enhancement cores.



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        • i dont wear exoctic armour anymore due to the fact that you can customize them , i have for the armour sets from eververse eg assassins creed and other crossover sets and the exoctic armour would spoil the look



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        • For the longest time I was against the idea, but now I agree with it. The cited reason for why they don't allow it is so players can recognise what armour other people are using in PvP. The thing is that, given the effectively infinite combinations of ornaments and shaders, you're never going to notice what someone has on mid-combat, outside of maybe a couple of Warlock chests. If they're using a Class Item, you don't know what perks they have on it just by looking at the player model. That said, I think Rime-Coat looks great, I don't know why so many people think it's ugly. It's nothing like the typical Warlock dresses that usually garner hatred and the moving eye is sick IMO.



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          3 回覆
          • Where is the option for Exotics accepting Exotic ornaments? Biased poll



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          • 由glitchHiker編輯: 11/25/2024 5:00:45 PM
            Omfg I hate that new warlock exotic with a passion, solely because of how it looks. I'd love to try it, it looks like fun, but I absolutely REFUSE to wear it only because I don't want to look like some renaissance hobo -blam!-. All their exotics and most legendary armor sets always look unisex, but this is clearly meant for women. It's got a f*cking girdle or whatever it's called (idk the proper name) ffs. What I really don't understand is why it didn't come with a day one ornament like literally every other new exotic when they're released. Any guardian who calls himself a man would never be caught dead wearing that in a public game. I won't even try it solo. It's beyond hideous, no shader can save it. Bungie, please listen to this survey, your public has spoken. At the very least give us a better looking/ unisex ornament for it, I will buy that sh*t day 1. Also, the titan/hunter class exotics would really benefit from this change too. They're both fugly AF and it's impossible to find any armor sets/ornaments that look good with them, my only options are "looks bad" to "looks less bad."



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          • Yeah this is one of those things that seems obvious, but because it'll lose them the ability to make money, it's just not going to happen.



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          • 由Guardian,Archon Of Light編輯: 11/24/2024 9:18:44 PM
            If you could put a universal ornament on an exotic , you wouldn't need to buy exotic ornaments from Eververse It's never going to happen



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            6 回覆
            • Before the prismatic class item I could get behind that they wanted exotics to be easily identifiable, but because the class items perks are random it kinda throws that logic out the window.



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            • I cannot believe that this community would vote for the greediest option.



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            • Agree it's time to let exotics take ornaments. The argument that people need to visually see what you are using went out the window with the exotic class items.



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              • I think it goes nicy with the season of the witch armors. Idc usually about how my exotic armors look with my set tbh. It would be nice to do that, yes, but I'd rather get that feature on weapons and expanded. Let us use our favorite weapons with our favorite weapon models where applicable. Like making Zaouli's Bane look like Epochal Integration. It would break literally nothing. Some weapons just look cool, others are visually easier to work with, but the vast majority of players will care more about appearances, and they can just swap if they need to play like sweats. As for the people who would be against it because they might get thrown off by what they see and how they died, it would work only once, not that they'd actually be paying attention to whether it's a Kindled Orchid or Ancient Gospel (whatever the GOS HC was). Chances are if they killed you with one, they would've killed you with the other. Not that you'd actually be able to see what I'm using, but if I killed you with a Redrix or Blast Furnace, there's a good chance I would've killed you with a Disparity, New Purpose, or even Bygones.



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              • No I need to see if the enemy titan is wearing one-eyed mask so I know not to let him kill me You know because I would let him kill me otherwise



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                • Ooooweee I wanna transmog exotic ornaments so bad on legendary gear. I paid for a lot of them why not be able to use them where i want. I don't get why people say oh I need to visually see it. I can't remember the last time I was in a gun fight and said oh I better keep back that titan is wearing synthoceps or watch out that warlock is definitely wearing getaway artists. I always inspect the people to find out or find out in an engagement.



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                • Alternatively, they could make Siva-themed ornaments for all exotics. Just saying. #PlagueGang



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                • I agree, i really hate it when i put together a cosmetic set i like and the exotic item i am using just ruins the whole look of it. There are some good looking exotics that you can build around, but there are also exotics that just looks so horrible that its not gonna look good with anything.



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                • My titan looks dripped out, but I do understand yalls pain



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                • But then how will some random Joe in PvP know what you are using? Because Random Joe needs to know.



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                  • They sell exotic weapon ornaments that are just recolors, what makes you think this could happen



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