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12/19/2024 3:18:23 PM

This game is about GETTING loot, not endlessly chasing it

Bring back crafting. This game is dying faster than before, removing crafting and every other change you made this season is the reason. Not to mention the record amount of bugs! Look at the steam player count for the proof, I seriously doubt consoles are much higher. I'm already burned out and I know I'm not the only one. The joy of this game comes from USING the weapons, not from hoping the next drop will be better. This isn't a gambling simulator. The gambling addicts will say, "once you have your 5 red borders, the game becomes a shard simulator." Most desired rolls usually drop within 5 drops anyways, 10 at most. At that point you're enhancing that roll then [b]sharding every version of it that drops afterwards anyways![/b] If your roll doesn't drop within 5 or 10 drops then that's way too much grind and NO ONE should be advocating for that, anyone who argues for that type of system is working against their own self-interest, or has an obvious gambling addiction! Grinding an activity to the point of resenting it is NOT healthy for any game, period. I still haven't got a EA/BnS bitter sweet or LW/CT scavengers yet, and I've played contest around 30-40 times and used up countless specific tonics. That's not something anyone should be arguing for. Bungie, undo it before it's too late. Once borderlands 4 comes out you're f*cked. There's no way Marathon will be ready in time, and after everything you've done to this game and the massive amount of bugs you won't fix (and the ones you introduce with every major update), no one's gonna buy it anyways! And that gacha clone won't keep you afloat either. No amount of free bright dust will make up for what you've done by removing crafting alone. Every decision you've made this episode has been about "increasing engagement" but it's actually having the exact opposite effect and the player count proves it. It's also no coincidence all these changes happened after the new director took over, he never should've been put in charge. This whole episode has been a whole other level of "new low" for Destiny, and that's before the bugs. The core design of this episode is a new low - Removing crafting, the pinnacle grind, Engram focusing, tonics, terrible modifiers, shamelessly recycled onslaught/prison etc.. and not announcing the removal of crafting until a week before the episode came out was shady af, even for you. I, and many others, felt like we were tricked into buying the season pass then robbed, which we basically were plain and simple. I buy seasons/episodes for the craftable weapons, that's it, certainly not for the recycled content! I've never been one of the crazy "the end is nigh" type players constantly saying this game is dead/dying, but everything about this episode has changed that. This game really is doomed if decisions like these keep getting made. Listen to your audience for once and undo it. As it is, I absolutely will not be buying frontiers and once BL4 comes out this game is done anyways. I'm gonna go play some Warframe now. At least those devs aren't toxic AF, and that's really saying something considering the amount of microtransactions in that game!



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