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1/2/2025 8:56:53 PM

Just communicate IN-GAME like normal humans ffs

[quote][i][u]FEATURED ACTIVITY CHANGE[/u] We have made a change to a weekly featured activity. This can include changes to the featured Crucible mode, Trials map, Nightfall, Dungeon, or Raid. For more information about this activity change, visit blabla.bla.blabla[/i][/quote] Translation: [u]Something[/u] changed. Here’s a list of [u]possible things[/u] that [u]could have[/u] changed. It’s [u]probably[/u] one of these. But we’re [u]not[/u] going to tell you which one. [u]Not here[/u]. Go visit a link [u]outside[/u] of the game to find out what actually changed. JUST. USE. THE. NOTIFICATION. IN. GAME. TO. TELL. US. WHAT. CHANGED. Jezus, all that effort, just to say half a thing.



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  • DE do a better job of this - when you log into Warframe, if something has changed you'll see a (very) small patch being applied (usually a matter of megabytes). You then have the option of just launching straight into the game or checking out the patch notes before you do, plus you have the option of checking those notes after the fact by launching your browser from within the in-game notification board. That way, it's entirely up to you



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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