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1/23/2025 3:38:07 AM

Scorn Strikes are non existent for Seasonal Challenges

Bungie please stop giving us extremely long Seasonal Challenges to kill enemy types that are near non existant in Vanguard Playlists. Organized by what the primary enemy race is per strike we have 1 Cabal (Arms Dealer), Taken (Lake of Shadows), 1 half Hive one half Scorn (Lightblade), 1 Scorn (Vile), one Fallen with some Vex at the end (Glassway), 1 Taken with a tiny amount of Vex (Hypernet Current), 2 Fallen (Devils Lair and SABER), 2 Hive (Disgraced and Scarlet Keep), 1 Hive and Taken (Liminality), 1 Fallen with some Vex (Exodus Crash), 1 Cabal with some Vex (Insight Terminus), another Cabal with a tiny amount of Vex (Inverted Spire), ANOTHER Cabal strike (Proving Ground), 1 Taken (The Corrupted), 1 with some vex and cabal (Warden of Nothing), and a bunch of random Battlegrounds that dont matter. THERE IS 1 PURE SCORN STRIKE AND 3 CHALLENGES TO GET A TON OF KILLS AGAINST SCORN WITH VOID, ARC, AND STASIS. And kills in the normal versions of the stike do. not. work. Please stop giving us these long tedious challenges to kill enemy types in stikes that barely exist. Thank you



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  • If all else fails, I think next week's Nightfall is The Corrupted. There are some Scorn at the beginning. You could go into solo Expert Mode: kill all the Scorn, fly into orbit and then restart the NF. Birth Place Of The Vile would've been excellent. The other option is Gambit and hope you get the Dreaming City Map or that Ocean Map



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