We are a clan of Guardians who enjoy a good community and building friendships. We are always looking for new members who share our passion for raiding and challenging PvE activities, sometimes also PvP (Trials and Iron Banner specifically).
If this has piqued your interest, check out some more information below:
[u]Peak Activity Times:[/u]
These are the times most of our players are active in-game:
EST: 20:00 - 23:00
GMT: 20:00 - 23:00
(Most of our players are based in the United Stated and Europe (UK specifically). We are always looking for more players in Asia though, as myself and two other members are in Japan).
--> Rule of thumb: Evenings will be busiest. Especially around reset time.
[u]Requirements for Joining Us:[/u]
- You must be 18+
- You must join our discord server (link available in the clan chat on Bungie.net)
- You must register with Charlemagne in our server
- You must have a working headset with a mic
- You need to be a chill person. [b]We don’t tolerate any discrimination, racism, transphobia or unnecessary drama[/b]
- No light level requirement!
[u]Requirement for Clan Activity[/u]
- Engage with clan members in our discord server and in-game
- Register with Charlemagne in our discord server
- Members who have not posted in discord & not logged into the game in a month will be considered inactive and removed. We want to keep an active and engaging community. You can submit an excuse form if you are unable to play for a month. This will keep you from getting removed from the clan
If you have questions, please DM me on Bungie.net.
We look forward to meeting everyone!
Come join us, O hatchling mine.
In addition to what has currently been provided, we also assist and help others with the intricacies of our buildcrafting. There are plenty of helpful guides and links to a variety of community spreadsheets i.e global buffs & debuffs, amongst other helpful tools we've collated within our Discord. We also like fashion, so if you have some hot drip you should join. We like cats too. Biased comment but cows also. Moo.
Hi, I'm a Chinese player. I just arrived in Australia. I desire to find some friends and partner to finish raid, endgame and dungeon. But my English is not enough good. Can I join your clan?
Awesome set of people here, don't be afraid to join up and get help with whatever it is you need, whether it be old content or the new upcoming stuff there's always someone around to help you. If this is your first season or your veteran last, please join and make it a memorable one!
Very chill clan. Everyone is patient and gets along. No drama between members. I tend to always fill a team in the active hours between endgame PvE activities as well. With trials changes, a lot of members are excited to dive in as well. Come by and give the clan a shot if you’re interested in a relaxed gaming environment! A portion of our members have Day 1 raid clears, as well as a couple with the most recent contest dungeon as well!