Dude this nonsense could be fixed by an office temp in one work day. There is literally zero reason why this nonsense prevails. It has been criticised forever, it is one of the big reasons the playlist is so utterly unbearable and deserted as a consequence, and they even have (or had) this type of protection in place for when you start out with two people. Why not implement it for leavers? They should honestly give you +200 for sticking around if you ask me.
they balanced the pvp meta to something more balanced than it has ever been (other than fusion rifles) and then reworked radiant dance machines specifically for pvp and released a trace rifle that goes in the primary slot without any sort of ttk nerf. and they have released an absolutely broken exotic at the beginning of every episode. something wrong is going on and there is blatant design conflict between good and bad actors.
Quitter protection only works if they quit before the end of round 1. But since they took out all the round based game modes in Comp you basically have to start with 2 players otherwise it won’t activate.