The in game lfg is awful. We aren’t gonna even pretend it’s good for raids
Raid checking is a cancer, I’ve been playing since d1 beta, in d2 I didn’t get many vog (or any other raid) clears because crafting and I got the weapons I wanted
I keep getting kicked for not having a lot of clears even though I have meta loadouts
I can’t get clears because I keep getting kicked
How in the HELL am I supposed to raid when the community is so damn uptight about some arbitrary number that does NOT equate to skill.
Little Jimmy being carried 100 times through vault has a higher chance to join than me bc he got carried
But I, who has been there for the launch of both vogs, can’t because what, I got lucky with weapon drops and didn’t need to go back in?
How do I work around this, how do I get into more raids? I’m seriously asking for advice. Don’t say complete more raids bc if you do, clearly you didn’t read.
If you got at least 1 of every weapon from D2 VoG you can open up to 12 free chests a week (4 per character) that have a chance to drop red borders.
Look up Marshix on youtube, he has a full guide on how to solo all the chests (you will need to use a post-Templar checkpoint from bots.)