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2/14/2025 5:31:50 AM

Cant bring yourself to deal with RDM but damned if Crimson wasnt on your hit list

See this is exactly why people are absolutely fed up with you as a game maker. You ignore blaringly obvious issues all over this game but crash out on the simplest thing players are doing or using. This truly shows you care about a damn chart of play time to brag to execs with but all you do is push more and more people out of the game. Make nether worse by nerfing a weapon but still not addressing the damn game actually healing you. Amazing you pick up a well and sometimes you get nothing and others you get half a damn HP bar. None of this makes any sense anymore. 3 Master runs, zero adepts and saw only 2 heavy bricks the entire 3 runs but again you found time to deal with crimson....i dont even use the damn thing but its the principle of the matter.



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