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由GrandmasterNinja編輯: 1/17/2013 8:20:10 PM

I think religious topics should be banned in

In everyone of these threads people end up just wasting Bungie's server space. I think Ninjas should start deleting and banning people who post religious threads because it never goes anywhere. It always devolves into an argument over evolution or something scientific then somebody says this: [url][/url] Then all hell is unleashed, people are stoned, feelings are hurt, crucifixion, jihad, ass devestation, etc. You get the point right? It never creates anything discussion worthy. [quote]You know you could just hide the thread right?[/quote] That's not the point I'm making really. For me, I can hide the thread, but for a newcomer from Destiny just visiting the site and is interested in joining the Septagon...he's get a horrible first impression of the community if he sees a bunch of stupid threads at the top of the page! The community will crumble if newcomers are getting an uninviting first look at us, I'm worried about our presentation to the rest of the internet. tl;dr:[quote][b]Quantum Echo:[/b]This thread is basically someone getting annoyed that people argue and argue all the time in religious threads and therefore the actual discussion value the topic holds is lost and therefore keeps making the community look bad. He isn't saying that he doesn't like that and he wants them to stop, because the answer and solution there is to hide those threads. But no, the OP hates these threads because a forum discussion shouldn't be a massive argument (It's not even a debate at most times!) and rather be a civilized discussion or conversation on the subject matter. Therefore everybody's happy and nobody is sad or enraged, which is obviously better, you can't deny that unless you're a pessimistic low-life who likes despair.[/quote]



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • I think this post is appropriate for my destiny religious theories Traveller =God Darkness=Devil Guardians=Angels



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  • 由wizardeiges編輯: 11/23/2014 7:01:07 AM
    Oh no! someone doesn't share my same belief or believes in something completely different from what I believe in like one of the thousands of other gods I don't praise or they just don't believe in any of them and they shared it with me! I feel so ATTACKED. How can someone have the nerve to voice a opinion that I don't agree with?!!!!!111!1! Grow the hell up. Your beliefs are your beliefs,not mine or anyone elses and others shouldn't be expected to turn the other cheek when they see someone preaching hate or something that goes against their morals. I dislike just about anything religious for my own personal reasons and there is a feature made just for people who don't want to see something and it's called..wait for it....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait for it!... Hide. There you go,I hope i've helped!



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  • Then hide it. The tools were given to you so you can do just that, so use them.



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    5 回覆
    • So much for freedom of expression and freedom of speech. What do you want to get rid of next? Maybe the right to a fair trial by jury?



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    • I violated [url=]Children[/url] and was met with Ninja Justice.



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    • 由Endoterrik編輯: 1/19/2013 1:54:50 PM
      I don't like religious discussion because mostly they devolve into nothing but flame wars and opinion/belief hating. So basically they don't do much to further actual discussions. However, that's just my opinion.



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    • Server space? You do know that text in a database is like... nothing and that for the past.... 10 years, that disk space is ridiculously inexpensive? Hell, MS gives away 5 GB of space for every WLID that gets created. I don't think that server space is a valid reason to worry. I see that a lot of members are very upset over the transfer of content/experience responsibility. But really, think back. With alt armies, filter bypass exploits, and the time it took for reports to get to a queue and then get seen by a moderator (40 or so moderators for the entire membership, during darkness) do you really think that setup would have gotten better or worse when the darkness ends and this place is crawling with new people that would be an even more attractive audience to the disruptions that were consistently rustling jimmies when things were slow?



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      • As long as it's sensible, I don't see a problem with an intelligent conversation on matters that affect the world around us, as well as being an integral part of society, no matter whether you think it's not.



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      • Sure it could devolve into a flame war, but I'm just happy to see intelligent topics come to Bnet. I'm kinda tired of "halo 4 sucks because..." and "so there's this girl..." being the dominant type of threads.



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      • I agree.



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      • If it comes down to it, just do as the Ninjas do and hide it/them. There really haven't been any flame-wars on/about religion.



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      • i haven't seen that many religious flamewars on to be perfectly honest.



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      • 由Cheesusslice編輯: 1/18/2013 9:22:04 AM
        It's okay OP, everyone gets butthurt every once in a while. People will always get butthurt on these forums, even over things that aren't religion. This is probably one of the reasons why there is a hide feature. Other people can probably handle the religious or political flame wars that start up, some people can't. It's to the community's benefit that we as individuals can choose what we want to see and be able to discuss, and dispose of with our own mini-banhammer. Newcomers will probably utilize the hide feature once they get their turn of the butthurt/buttmade forum days, and all will be well.



        以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

      • You know, you don't read the flame wars if you don't click on the thread. If these newcomers see the title as perhaps pertaining to a topic they don't want to be involved with, then they don't have to click on it. These flame wars are never seen if the thread is never viewed in full.



        以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

        2 回覆
        • Ninjas are lazy and would never give up their newfound freedom. is like if you were working ten hours a day shoveling horse shit and your boss suddenly said "Sup bro, your new job is to get lapdances from strippers all day." If someone came along and said "Hey, you were really good at shoveling that shit, you should do it again", you'd laugh in their face and tell them hell no and return to staring at the girl grinding in your lap.



          以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

          3 回覆
          • yeah no.



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          • I agree. Politics threads shouldn't be allowed too. The mains are just US politics and religino threads now.



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          • Nobody is making your participate. If you can't handle such discussions, then avoid them. Just don't ruin it for the rest of us.



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            3 回覆
            • You could hide them yourself if you want to. I hide stuff I don't want to see, such as that spam text thing that's interfering with pages.



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              3 回覆
              • Your right, we should just post photos of cats and argue over more important things like Halo 4 and 343.



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              • 由Quantum編輯: 1/18/2013 4:45:25 AM
                No. Have a problem with the discussion? Hide it. So far, my experience of religious discussion has rendered a bit of angry posts and the occasional ignorance claim, but I have seen no outright flaming.



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                1 回覆
                • No, it ends with Aliens. I love trolling in those threads



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                  • 由Uncle Putin編輯: 1/18/2013 4:36:39 AM
                    I agree. We're both humans, and it seems like "one" side of the argument always resorts to insulting the intelligence of the other. This is the trend I've seen amongst this "one" side. Just sayin'. And that's exactly why we should ban those discussions.



                    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

                  • A littler religion didn't hurt anyone no how.



                    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

                  • [quote]Y̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛o̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛u̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛ ̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛g̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛u̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛y̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛s̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛ ̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛m̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛i̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛g̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛h̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛t̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛ ̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛w̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛a̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛n̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛t̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛ ̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛t̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛o̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛ ̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛f̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛i̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛x̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛ ̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛t̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛h̺͓͆͛i̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛s̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛.̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛.̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛.̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛.̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛.̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛.̺͓̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛͆͛.̺͓̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛͆͛.̺͓̺͓͆͛͆͛.̺͓͆͛[/quote]



                    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

                    6 回覆
                    • As has been pointed out, if you don't like them then don't read them. I don't think the "think of the new users!" argument is very compelling for several reasons, the largest one probably being that I haven't seen many acerbic replies in these threads as of late. Come to think of it, I haven't seen too many religion threads in general. In short, I don't think it's a big deal, and if you don't like them then don't open them.



                      以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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