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由Regretful123編輯: 1/19/2013 7:16:47 PM

Commuity Created maps!

Are you a big fan of Team Fortress 2? Yes? Are you a big fan of Halo CE through Reach? Yes? Well this is the spot where I'm proudly present you; a Halo Crossover! You can finally enjoy playing Team fortress 2 games while you enjoy the experience of playing Halo maps! The sole purpose of this project was to show my fanside of how much I enjoy playing Halo back then. Ladies and Gent, the first map is vsh_powerhouse! [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] The VSH means it's ideally for a game mod called "Verses Saxton Hale". You can play this normally as a arena mode without any problem. The original plan for re-creating this masterpiece map from Halo Reach was to explore the depth of creating models from a third party program, and then have it all organized and imported into the editor program. There were ton of scope of ideas into creating this map, as well as problem solving issue. After six month of developing pieces by pieces (I had school, mind you) I finally put the map together with the help of wallworm tools. I had the map released during summer of 12'. Now comes the next project that venture in; arena_longshore [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] My favorite Halo 3 map that had some mist of terrifying taste of doom! This was the only map that I managed to show to Bungie and watch their reaction how thoroughly the map was created. That was the best moment I have ever had, especially having my laptop get sign'd! (Don't ban me Rcon54 :P!) The goal of this map was to test my flexible skill of how quick I can make things, as well as making it identical to the actual map itself. This was a real challenge in terms of scale, so I had to ideally guess where the walls was, where the prop should be, where the building size should be, and a whole bunch of question that I had to ask myself during the progress of making it. This map was started during the first week of August, and completed on the third week of September. That said much about the ability of using these tools to produce wonderful maps. In addition to that, I also added three easter egg, of which only one of them cast the same location as it was from Halo 3. If you like to try the map yourself, here's the link to my private dropbox server; [url=]Vsh_Powerhouse[/url] [url=]Longshore[/url] A shout out thanks to Bungie, Wallworm, my friends and family, and the community that never cease to surprise me! [spoiler]In addition to the map collection, I am currently working on a third crossover map. This map was first introduced in Halo 2, and later added into Halo 3. The variant type for this map will be payload. That's all the information I can disclose on this one.[/spoiler]



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