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2/1/2013 8:57:52 AM

SO you want videogames that follow the canon?

Let's take Halo as an example, as it has the best canon. Of course Halo Reach wasn't following the canon with their Spartan-IIIs in MJOLNIR armour, on Reach. A lot of people bitched about that, that they wanted the game to be like the canon (books). But, lets take a few quotes from some books, to let you decide if you want that in a game: - "The plasma bolt just missed him, his shields flared and popped, the next bolt hit him on the shoulder and urned away his arm" If the games would follow the canon, the plasma pistol would kill within two shots... I don't know wether you want that... - "Kelly saw three wraith tanks, these tanks fired plasma mortars that burned away everything within a 20 meter radius" - So you want a tank that can kill everything within 20 metres in an online game? - "Will saw the brutes, these covenant were a real match, John had wrestled with one, and nearly lost" - So the brutes must be so overpowered, that only one brute in close quarters is enough to kill the MasterChief? Just some examples, discuss.



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