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2/19/2013 9:50:07 AM

To all the awesome people who work at Bungie.

To all the awesome people who work at Bungie, Your company and games have been a large part of my life since I could hold a controller and fire a virtual firearm at the ripe, old age of three, just after the release of Halo: Combat Evolved in 2001. Although at first I enjoyed playing your games primarily, I soon became a member of the Bungie community. It is full of kind people who all share a common interest. And let's not forget, your Webmaster is magnitudes cooler than us mere mortal trembling in the stead of his manly mane. After developing artistic interests, I found that the only source of inspiration to remain fulfilling as a constant was your games and art. I now aspire to become a conceptual artist, largely because of your beautiful games. It's pretty much impossible but my dream job would have to be at Bungie. Creating art I love for games I love. But, I digress. I look forward to the future of the company and the road it takes, somewhere of the junction of Amazement and Eternity, I anxiously await your next brilliant creation. May your work continue to inspire and astound others as it has me. In the Holiest of sincerities and on behalf of all the fanbase, Thank You all. - Slade.



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