A double standard that personally bothers me is a man should always give the woman financial support in the aftermath of a divorce. At least that's what my mom thinks. My dad didn't give her any money, plus custody went to my dad anyway. And to this day she still has malice for him because of it.
And when I reciprocate the situation, and my dad doesn't have a job during the divorce, and she does, I realize my mom would have never given him any money.
What is a double standard that you hate?
Childcare and education. Men are generally seen as potential threats to children because apparently men are always wanting to have sex with everything, including children. Whereas women are seen as natural loving and inherently good caregivers.
People who are attracted to the same sex= ok People who are Attracted to (Insert fetish)= icky
*Person disses Christianity* Ha ha you're funny and cool *Person disses Islam* Omg you're a racist and you're nasty!
>How certain jobs will only hire a certain gender. Like clothing and most retail stores will mainly hire women, while electronic and gaming type stores will mainly hire males. Every retail job I've had, never hired any males. I also remember wanting to apply to a EB games for a part time job a few years back and a old friend of mine advised me not too, regardless of my knowledge of gaming, they're skeptical of hiring females. >Girl plays videogames = hot. Guy plays videogames = nerd. >Also when some idiots claim when a girl gets ra*ed, it's somehow her fault. Not so much a double standard, but still pretty annoying.
when america bombs a country its ok but when another country bombs america they never shut up about it even after like 10+ years.....
Virgin guy - weird loser that can't get some ass. Virgin girl - pure and innocent angel. Just awesome.
The looks on the sexual appeal of men and womens makes me pretty mad. A woman goes out in a fancy suit and people think "Wow, she must be a lawyer or have some kind of high class job" Then if i go out and wear a fancy dress, i'm a "Homosexual" Also, if a woman sleeps with a bunch of dudes, she's a "Slut" but if i go and do it, i'm a "Homosexual"
The one that gets me involves women. If a woman sleeps around she is a slut. If a guy does it he's a hero.
由BerzerkCommando編輯: 2/19/2013 4:48:30 PMIt's OK for black people to call each other n!gger constantly, but if a white man calls them it. It's the end of the world.
Mostly female double standards. I'm not some misogynist or anything, but I'm so annoyed by: - A wide spectrum of feminists, thinking that it's unfair that women are treated unequally, therefore the only way to be equal is to oppress men. - Women who stress the fact that women are equal and can do anything these days, but still expect chivalry from men. etc... the kind of double standards that self-centered girls with overinflated egos spew out of their lips. With fairness in mind, it can be stupid how a lot of men think that a woman who sleeps around is a slut, while a man that does it has mad game.
When companies say "we're a family here and we want you to have a family". Then they make you work 60+ hours a week and force you to leave town with just a few days notice. Blarg!
Here, let me post the ones that are the ones that I see most often: Woman hits a man: She's a strong, independent and tough woman. Man hits woman: Wifebeater, gets sent to jail. Man sleeps with a bunch of girls: Awesome. Woman sleeps with a bunch of guys: Whore.
由abelsinh編輯: 2/19/2013 5:57:03 PMWhen a couple split up, if the male gets another girlfriend in a short amount of time (a week, a couple of days), he's a pig. If she gets another boyfriend the same -blam!-ing day, she's just "moving on with her life". Most females think that way.