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由ROFL Wolf1254編輯: 3/13/2013 3:05:51 AM

I feel the need to vent my feelings of being a teenager...

Being a teenager is indescribable, well for me at least. I can't help but feel so lost most of the time, even with my parents and my friends at my side. It's shocking to think how fast time has come and gone, and I'm already 16 years old. I've struggled with school since the beginning of last school year and started improving in early February. I failed Chemistry, barely passed History, and my other grades were decent. Now I need to make up 3 or 4 classes online, dual enroll at my local community college, and I have to take 5 AP classes in the next 2 years otherwise I can't get my AP diploma. Not only is school a hassle, but life's really taking a toll on me. It just hit me that I have 2 years left until I'm an adult. I'm terrified, I've had suicidal thoughts (Not too serious ones though), and I don't even know what I want to do as a career. As far as emotions go, I'm drained. I guess you could say I never really had a girlfriend if you don't count middle school relationships. I would think that I had feelings for someone, but the girl turns out to be terrible. I've had these feelings for this one girl since freshman year, but I barely talk to her. I guess I'm still afraid to see what she's really like. The idea of leaving everything behind is somewhat nerve wrecking to me. I feel comfortable being with my parents, and them helping me out when I needed them. I'm not very privileged compared to most financially, but I feel that the love from my parents surpasses that, and I'm so sad to think about leaving them. I'm just starting to build a good bond with my Dad, and regaining my Mom's trust after lying to her about school for a month. After reading this again, I feel like my thoughts are so unorganized. I just wish I could express them in a way that can be understood by most, but it's hard. There's so much more, but it'd probably make the post even more confusing to read. For the adult members of the forum, was your teenage years as stressful as mine, if not even more? And for fellow teens, what are your experiences?



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  • I find my self resenting some of my closest friends. but then I think, "are the really my friends, or do I just not want to be alone?" anywho, sucks balls, man.



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  • 由Goatman編輯: 3/13/2013 3:39:28 AM
    Congratulations, you're going through pretty much what every teenager goes through these days. Just remember these things: 1) You aren't unique. If you think you're the only one with a certain problem, or think you're the only one who thinks a certain way, then there are probably a dozen other people nearby dealing with the same problem or thinking the same things. 2) Life will always be throwing shit at you. If you stop every time you get hit, then you just become an easier target. 3) shit happens.



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  • Absolutely they were. Had suicidal thoughts during the roughest months, but that went away when I found some extra support in the form of a specific girl, some new friends and Jesus (really not trying to make this a preachy message, just being honest). Things got a lot better the last year of high school, but it got real tough again in college. I think the only real advice I have is to surround yourself with people who will lift you up, whether that be your parents, friends who may not necessarily be cool but will shoot you straight and support you, and I really do recommend seeking your Creator. But anyways... Keep your head up and your eyes open for what the future holds. It sounds like you got a lot going for you; just don't neglect what you do have (especially supportive parents, that's not necessarily normal). Good luck, brother.



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  • You know it's funny how most adults say; "enjoy those years, they're the best years of your life." when you're a teenager. While I don't consider that completely accurate, now being an adult myself, they were in regards to being carefree. You really just live for yourself when you're a teenager. Putting aside marks and homework which isn't really that stressful compared to managing a career, family, and financing. Since teenagers have yet to experience those sorts of things, stuff which isn't really that stressful appear to be so. Also, you have the fact you're just trying to find out who you really are in those years. Looking at who I am now and back to when I was a teenager, it's like I'm living as a whole different person. Things will nearly always change when you graduate. They have for everyone I know. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. Don't let those years of your life determine the rest of it.



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  • You haven't even hit hard mode, Whelp. Enjoy the easy while you can. But always stay strong. If you mess up here, you'll be -blam!-ed forever. (kinda)



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    • 由SabreJ6編輯: 3/13/2013 3:10:34 AM



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