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由Dustin編輯: 3/13/2013 1:20:16 AM

Wait... are gay marriage oppositionists technically fascists?

I was arguing with some idiot on the mains and like most [ultra] conservatives he didn't know what he was talking about, but he called me a hate monger for going back on what the US fought against in WWII... which he claimed was socialism. From that point of confusion on, which dumbfounded me with a whole new level of stupidity, did I realize he was actually what we fought against in WWII, fascists and social class. It's the same concept behind separate but equal. Even if you have civil unions (that actually have the same benefits of marriage) there's still the social inequality it enforces. And correct me if I'm wrong, but social class is exactly that: fascism. So yeah, what the title asks. Are they technically fascists?



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