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由jaythenerdkid編輯: 3/24/2013 6:20:06 AM

Want to help me be an attention whore for a good cause?

Here's your chance to see me put my money where my mouth is. [url=]For every like or share this FB post gets from now until 11:49PM this coming Sunday the 31st of March, my time, I will donate 10 cents to a pro-LGBT charity, up to a limit of $50.[/url] Yes, I am actually going to do this. Yes, there will be photographic evidence. No, nobody "hacked" my Facebook - this is 100% totally for real. Sure, it's an attention-getting stunt. I'll admit that. But it's also a chance for me to back up my activism with actual fundraising - and maybe it'll even inspire a few other people to do the same. So, if you want to see me spend my hard-earned money to get people's attention on the internet, go on over to Facebook and like/share that post (I'm counting both towards the total). It's for a good cause. A little FAQ: [b]Hey, gay rights are dumb! Why aren't you doing this for [i]my[/i] pet cause?[/b] Well...this is my pet cause, and I'm shilling out the money. And if you want to derail my thread by whining about it - let me just point out that I created this thread in a group where I have admin powers, and am therefore capable of editing all your posts into nothing but cat pics. [i]Gay[/i] cat pics. [b]Why not just donate the money quietly without making it all about you?[/b] I already do that. But this way, I get to raise awareness at the same time - and let's be honest, the attention is nice, too. :) [b]What if I don't have Facebook but want to contribute?[/b] Send the link around to friends of yours who do. Their likes and shares will count just as well. [b]Why only $50, you cheapskate?[/b] Dude, come on. I work a part-time job that has to pay my bills as well as the not-insubstantial expense of flying overseas to visit my boyfriend whenever I get the chance. I would love to donate more, but I just seriously don't have the funds. This is as much as I can do, and I'm doing it happily. [b]I'd like to donate money too. How can I help?[/b] What'd be cool is if people were to pledge to match me dollar for dollar - say I got to $20, you could pledge to donate $20 to the same organisation as well. Something like that. But no pressure! I'd be grateful just for a like and a share. I'm spending my own money here, not asking for other people's. [b]Which charity will this be going to?[/b] I'm undecided and would welcome suggestions. The only requirement is that it's pro-LGBT, but I'd like it to be an organisation that focuses on LGBT rights for people of colour or disabled people in particular, or one with a heavy focus on trans rights, because those things are often ignored by the mainstream pride movement. If you have suggestions for a local shelter or organisation in your area that you think does great work, I would love to hear from you, too! [b]Can we see your boobs?[/b] Google Image Search me. You'll find them. :P



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