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由Chakas編輯: 4/13/2013 9:04:39 PM

Some clarification on "armor-piercing" bullets.

The term "armor-piercing bullets" does not necessarily mean body-armor-piercing. Armor piercing rounds are optimized for anti-material uses and are meant to more effectively penetrate things such as glass and metal, and not body armor. These types of rounds are very much capable of piercing the average police officer's body armor, but so is almost every "normal" rifle round out there(excluding rounds like the .22 or other smaller rounds). So when it comes to the body armor-piercing capabilities of rifle bullet, almost any one can do the job without being "armor-piercing". [quote]In 1982, NBC ran a television special on the bullets, supposedly against the requests of many police organizations, wherein it was argued that the bullets were a threat to police. Various gun control organizations in the U.S. labeled Teflon-coated bullets with the epithet "cop killers" because of the supposedly increased penetration the bullets offered against ballistic vests, a staple of the American police uniform. Many erroneously focused on the Teflon coating as the source of the bullets' supposedly increased penetration, rather than the hardness of the metals used. A common resulting misconception, often perpetuated in film and television, is that coating otherwise normal bullets with Teflon will give them armor-piercing capabilities. In reality, as noted above, Teflon and similar coatings were used primarily as a means to protect the gun barrel from the hardened brass bullet, and, secondarily, to reduce ricochet against hard, angled surfaces. The coating itself did not add any armor-piercing abilities to bullets under normal circumstances. Several of the various calibers of KTW rounds produced could, in fact, penetrate police vests, under certain conditions. However, as Kopsch pointed out in a 1990 interview, "adding a Teflon coating to the round added 20% penetration power on metal and glass. Critics kept complaining about Teflon's ability to penetrate body armor... In fact, Teflon cut down on the round's ability to cut through the nylon or Kevlar of body armor." [/quote] [url=]Sauce[/url]



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