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由A 3 Legged Goat編輯: 5/3/2013 1:46:02 AM

3DS Dreamcast Project - anyone good with painting plastic?

[url=][b]Additional images found in the gallery[/b][/url] Ever notice that the 3DS and the Dreamcast Controller have the same layout? I did a few days ago, and I took to Photoshop to design this special 3DS. It unfortunately doesn't exist, but after seeing these images and the positive reaction from various communities [url=]such as NeoGAF[/url], I just [i]have[/i] to make the Dream a reality (pun intended). But I need your help! I have experience with Nintendo hardware, so that part of the design shouldn't be a problem. What I'm clueless about is how to paint or dye matte plastic. The logo itself [i]could[/i] be a decal, but even that would be difficult to come by. I'd prefer to paint it anyway, but I'm not even sure what kinds of tools or kits I'd need to go about doing that. And what about dying the buttons? Anyone have experience? Somebody mentioned air brushing the logo or something but that's foreign to me. I posted in here since it's [i]technically[/i] a paintjob that some may have knowledge about.



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  • 由A 3 Legged Goat編輯: 6/15/2013 7:21:20 AM
    [b]UPDATE[/b] I have just finished purchasing all of the materials required for the project. The subtotal cost of the project comes to [b]~US$470[/b]. But I bought accessories and 2 games, which increase that amount. If I am able to work some magic, I can knock off anywhere from $100 to $200 from the total cost. So depending on how that goes, the final total will be anywhere from $380 or $450 to own this system. Most of the stuff will arrive starting next week and carry on towards the end of the month. Until then, I'll be refining my technique. Soon™



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  • I think this^ would be awesome to have as well XD I never had a Dreamcast, but your design is really cool! Great Job!



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  • 由Fridge Gnome編輯: 5/2/2013 5:19:10 PM
    A good stencil is going to be your best bet. If you wanted to try something different though. [url=]Check this out.[/url] It didn't turn out great in that instructable, but I have seen it work great for other people.



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    • 由A 3 Legged Goat編輯: 5/1/2013 8:59:06 PM
      I found [url=]this airbrush[/url] which might be able to do job as far as I know. Already pushing price range I was intending for supplies, but I think this will do the swirl and even the buttons. All that would be left would be some sand paper, primer, and sealant/gloss, which shouldn't be too expensive. Yay? Nay? Besides, I think I'll be left with an extra 3DS anyway (assuming I don't mess it up) so I could sell that and make back some of the dough.



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      • You'll need to airbrush or go with vinyl. Using something like spray or brush-on paint is going to make your design more opaque than how you have it designed.



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        • 由Adept Invention編輯: 5/1/2013 4:24:00 PM
          Find a vinyl cutter and use that do create a decal. It'll look 100% better than painting. If you do want to paint, buy an old/spare casing, make a template and see how spraying it works (make sure your technique is good). Sources - I custom painted and airbrushed my DS phat last year after I broke the hinge.



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          • When you get Sonic Adventure running on there let me know!



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            • Here's another cool idea I just thought up, get very thin sheet at a local art supply store and draw the design on it, then cut it out. Put it over the top of the case and use a dremel to cut all the way through the first layer of the case (top to inside). Then get some very thin, clear plastic and cut it into the shape using the plastic you cut from the case. . Get an Orange LED and wire it up to the power, (just find the power input and solder the LED to it). Put the LED in place. Epoxy the clear piece over the LED and sand it down over a few days. Turn it on, and enjoy.



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              • Teach yourself, it'll make the overall experience all the better, as well as give you actual experience. Buy a couple of busted 3DS' online real cheap. Then, start experimenting. Crack them open, mess around with the case. Sand it, Epoxy. Here's some advice you may or may not want to take. Take some of that plastic from the cases, superheat it (torch or something), when it becomes moldeable make it into a circle a tad bigger than the actual size you want it. When it's nice and cold, start drawing the design on that piece of plastic. Cut out excess plastic. Once you have the circular design, make it into a mold (so you can reuse it for future use). This process is cheap and not hard to learn. Just google it or watch a 5 minute video on Youtube. Get the mold and create the shape. The mixture usually makes it a rubbery substance which is exactly what you want, (or I'd want anyway). From there just round it off and thin it. Use epoxy or something to put it on the case. You could try using a drill to cut a hole if you want it to be flush If you just want to paint it, and not have it be another physical thing, just try to get a 1:1 high quality print on adhesive paper and gloss it over. Sandpaper, before and after. I'm making this up as I go along. It shouldn't be too hard. Start by getting a few broken ones first and experiment on it.



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              • I am good with the drawing portion not anything extensive. I prefer my Wacom. Or drawing tablet.



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                • What would be even more bad ass is if you hacked your 3DS to play Dreamcast emulators after modding the shell. Portable Dreamcast.



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                  • You can get the decal made online, but what would you do with this if you get the process down? Are you going to make custom designs? Also, seeing a 3ds shell with DCast games on screen makes me want to play dreamcast games on a portable device.



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                    • I remember seeing your thread on Neo and I think they all look very cool. Unfortunately I haven't the slightest clue of how one would go about painting that.



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