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由Big Boss 編輯: 5/29/2013 8:37:47 PM

Do you get sentimental or attached to your old games?

So my sister just told me she was selling all her PS2 games so I went to see what was there and in the pile I noticed some of my old ones in there so I quickly grabbed them and took them away. I'll likely never play them again, but I just couldn't bear to see them go. So yeah do you feel a certain sense of attachment to your old games, or are you happy to see the last of them?



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  • 由halo編輯: 5/30/2013 2:52:29 PM
    Why would anybody sell their games? They are barely worth anything used and they are pretty much priceless. I can pay 5 bucks on the virtual console to play Mario Bros, but I would much rather have my physical NES copy. I have never sold a game and I never will. My great grandchildren will find my vast collection of 70 years of gaming, discovering games they never heard of like Dark Souls "from back in the early 2000s woah", and Super Mario 64 "this comes from all the way back in the 1900s holy crap" and thank me for keeping them. Selling them all is not worth it at all. I found my dead grandpas collection of old stuff. Some people may think my descendents will not appreciate my old games, but I was interested in stuff like just seeing his old report card, a badge, and stuff like that. Idk, maybe my descendants will find my collection boring, but if that's the case, I hope one of them is a nerd so I can just will it all to him/her.



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