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6/8/2013 2:24:52 AM

T-Mobile launching $30 per month plan, with unlimited data, messaging, 100 minutes

[url=]Source (BGR)[/url] A T-Mobile plan that gives you unlimited data, unlimited messaging, and 100 minutes. This is an awesome plan...just wow. +1 T-Mobile



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  • 由RIP delta編輯: 6/8/2013 3:51:05 AM
    with no phone? £21 a month here with T-Mobile gets you 2000 minutes, unlimited texts and unlimited data Having looked at the link - you guys pay a shiiiiitload for your phone plans



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • Tmobile... I got them OP. Their ads are misleading. They don't give you unlimited data in the sense you think. What they do is give you 'technically unlimited' data usage, but throttled speeds. As in, you can use your data as much as you like, but you will have your service throttled to about 100 kbps, or about 1/2 of the 2008 standard 3G. As an alternative, they offer 4G, but they charge you extra for it and only give you X amount of data before your throttled back to normal speeds. Its so slow that, while its still usable, but only just barely so. This leads people to not want to use their bandwidth anyway, actually saving them money. It's still a good deal OP, just not as good as you think.



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