If you were unimpressed with the Destiny gameplay remember this...
I've noticed that a lot of people were talking about how the game play reveal was not up to par or how it was disappointing or "too much like Halo". Keep a few things in mind before you lose faith entirely.
1. The presentation is going to seem faked because it was. They can't actually show you how awesome and intense gameplay can get because it's not that type of setting. They were trying to be "cool" and admittedly came off mostly as fake. The actual communication between individuals playing the game will be a lot more interesting and realistic because it won't be staged and scripted beforehand.
2. I've seen a lot of complaints about the level they showed. That it wasn't as epic as they claimed the game would be. Again, this game is open world and huge in it's scope. In order to fit what they could into a small amount of time and show a lot they had to choose a level that was easy to move through. I think the Fallen drop ship hints at the scale that we can expect in terms of what Destiny can give us. Regardless of the scale, the atmosphere inside the walls of the city helped create a sense of exploration and discovery. This is what you want to feel in a game like this. You want to feel like you are looking at something that someone hasn't looked at in centuries.
3. Understandably so there have been a lot of comparisons to Halo. It is Bungie some stuff from their past games will bleed through. But I find some comparisons unfair. It has been pointed out that there were drop ships in the game, just like in Halo. Or this could be like in Mass Effect. Or even Bioshock: Infinite. The thing is that unless you want infinite enemies coming from seemingly nowhere you need to have drop ships or something like them to get enemies into battle. There have also been comparisons to Borderlands because of the loot system. The first Mass Effect had a pretty robust loot system before Borderlands came out. True, the weapons weren't modular or randomized. But the concept of loot being dropped by enemies is nothing new. Instead of comparing this to other games you could take this as it is and just be excited about a new IP with great potential.
I agree that the gameplay was not what it could have been. It could have been a lot more engaging and some of the aspects, such as a sparsely populated level, were not encouraging. Just keep the faith, be strong! It's still not complete and, hopefully, there will be more enemies to shoot and things to do in the full game. Else, something is very wrong. My rant is complete. Thanks for reading, if you did. Of course, these are my opinions. Not passing judgment, just trying to point some things out.
Be Brave
Thank you for elaborating on this.
People bitchmoancry for no reason. Of course they showed an easy level, and of course a lot of things were scripted. They couldn't reveal ALOT, just be lucky we got to see gameplay and cool abilities.
There was a lot left out such as space travel, open world exploring, pvp, and more. Stop whining people. Stop..