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7/3/2013 3:19:59 PM

Why is this Zimmerman case a big deal?

So, some guy shot a kid, and they're trying to determine if he was in the right to, or if he murdered him...or something. Alright, but why is this national news? People get shot and killed everyday. Yes, kids also get shot and killed a lot. Why is this one case such a massive deal? Why is it all I see in the news?



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  • Because there is still a lot of racism in the USA, despite what people want to admit to. The incident appears race oriented in nature, the police response to it looked racist in nature, the reporting was definitely racist to one degree or another. We would like to tell ourselves now that we have elected a black man to the Whitehouse that we are now color blind. We couldn't be further from that particular ideal. My favorite of the racist accounts is the exchange between MSNBC and Fox. MSNBC made Treyvon out as an angel early on. They left out a few important details about him. They demonized Zimmerman. Fox, catching wind of this had two options, they could have exposed what MSNBC did, and showed the real deal, or they could have exaggerated it the other way. Unfortunately, they went with B, and painted Treyvon as a gangsta predator that was looking for a victim. The truth is somewhere in between, I am sure.



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