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7/9/2013 9:59:41 AM

I've now officially been published! :D

A couple of weeks ago, I was approached by the editors of an online magazine called The Quail Pipe to write an article expanding on some thoughts I'd shared on Twitter re: the line between female objectification and healthy female sexual expression. I was thrilled to be given such an opportunity, and had a real blast writing the article. I spoke to friends of mine who are sex workers, adult film stars and topless models in order to get their perspectives on this issue, as I wanted to present a side of the objectification vs. sexuality debate that is often silenced. Here's the result: [url=]Body Politics and the Curious Case of the Page 3 Girl[/url], published this morning. (Don't worry - despite the topic being discussed, it's perfectly safe for work.) I'm fairly proud of my rookie effort as a semi-pro writer, and I hope you enjoy the article and that it gives you a little food for thought. :)



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